Off Topic Discussion

New update looks so good damn good.

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117 Nighthawk makes me want to share my weird blended-wing plane design from KSP:

(album link)

(the enormous thing actually flying)

It actually executing its mission:

Putting cherry on it:

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Why is the update trailer out

The su34 recreating irl is so funny

Whoever told me no f117 haha told u, is it squad vehicle tho?

Yeah, it’s squad. I said it wouldn’t be added with stealth capabilities/ATA weaponry, of which I was correct.

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To be fair it’s still not confirmed nor denied.

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Gaijin: “Don’t reference any real ongoing conflicts around the world, the game isn’t set in any particular setting”
Gaijin when making trailers: *casually referencing the recent SU-34 vs Patriot battery in Ukraine.



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Does anyone else get a fix from the blue Forum notification numbers?

Yall see the ufo bomber aoa trick

The 2024 old school “spitfire” livery on the Typhoon was so nice.

the f117 emits no ir sig no radar sig, the only way for you to lock it would require you to be looking at it and trying to radar lock it for the few seconds the doors are open, and once they close, the lock will break.

if it sells $$$$$ its all good for gaijin,i thought i was the only one that noticed this. and for anyone who doesn’t know

both are wrong

first of all you’re never emitting a radar signature, where did you get that one from?

and then yes it does generate radar returns, it’s just made to be harder to detect on the Bands ususally used by radars of the 80s

longer and shorter wavelength radars, as used since the 90s and by Ground based radar stations will still detect it at a large distance

the “radar signature” so the Return you get on the airborne Radars of it’s time is just smaller, and that only means that you have to get closee for the radar to notice and lock it

and then on the IR signature, it’s less than for a regular jet and put in a place where it’s harder to detect from the bottom but it’s not gone

there is no technology that can make a 1000°c exhaust disappear, you can only slightly cool it
so on later IR missiles you’ll easily be trackable, even from the front
just from a closer distance

especially for the F117: there was a case of an Austrian draken sent to intercept 2 F-117s illegally flying over austrian territory, which then took pictures of them and brought them to court, this was only possible because the F-117 showed up on austrian radar stations