Off Topic Discussion

I need it!

What if North Holland actually is set in the same place as European Province tho?

Also, why do they have to disable the entire chat every time something bad happens in or around russia?

abnormal fear of social interactions in the game I guess

If anyone’s more used to text chat and is having to adapt to radio callouts, they do actually cover most gameplay situations one can end up in. I had this written up for a somewhat confused user, in another thread, but it died.

Pinging the base you’re going for is standard practice for bombers, far more than text chat.

Lock target, use “attack my target” callout. Best way to highlight specific enemies.

“Cover me” is a thing.

Lock attacking enemy, use “I’m attacking” callout. Alternatively (or both) use the “follow me” callout.

I’m a console player, so while I can text chat, it’s really slow so basically useless in combat. I make heavy use of radio callouts and they work very well, usually better than text.

The lack of a chat isn’t nearly as bad in air battles as it is in ground battles.

There aren’t even remotely enough useful radio callouts available in ground battles, heck, even the few useful ones don’t really help most of the time. It’s amazing to me that it took them as long as they did to introduce a plane spotting callout, but the way they did it is not helpful most of the time.

  • Unless you are using a light tank you can’t really communicate enemy locations with your team and even then the scouting ability is unreliable as hell.
  • There is no way to let your allies know if the thing that is in the air is a fighter, a bomber, a heli or a drone.
  • There is no callout for a nuke carrier being spawned, so if the sirens don’t play for whatever reason or you are in a plane already you might not realise that there is such a threat.
  • There is no callout for being stuck somewhere and needing to be towed.

Ah, in Ground RB very specifically this is true, due to the odd lack of target lock functionality. In Ground AB, Air RB/AB, and Naval RB/AB it’s an excellent tool, giving player name, vehicle type, map ping, and other info.

In a longer term sense, I definitely want to see the radio callout system expanded and refined.


Progress report as of 25 March 2024

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you know, without chat it’s a regular offline game against artificial intelligence.

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Theres nothing intelligent about the average warthunder player.


Just watched the whole Murder Drone series, 10/10 would recommend.

Yea so flagging perfectly appropriate comments isn’t a big deal hmm

It isnt a big deal for the people who use multiple alternate accounts to flag posts

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That’s true lmao or isn’t happening to them. Thank god we have a based discord server

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ofc its not happening to them when they are the only ones getting so triggered about random stuff and you cant tell me people actually get so annoyed by a normal conversation about whats happening on the same discussion topic thing, its just censorship at its finest

The irony here is… Tasteful