Off Topic Discussion

But yea in my view the C&P argument is invalid as it’s more emotional tool and so wishy washy what is atcually considered C&P.

Like I’ve said above everyone will have their own views on C&P but most of them will just use it to make a point in a argument without atcually knowing fully what C&P means.

If people think the Firefly is C&P then we most consider the American P-51 C&P as it was made for the British calling.

Calling variants C&P even with big differences is just nit picking because you don’t like it.

So yea if anyone want’s my views or if people want to use this for their sound C&P argument then please do so but give credit.

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maybe the P-51 cannon one is copy/paste but the other P-51s are not

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our wallets shaking in fear when gaijin releases a new premium

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I made that post about the 5 line limit. (If you could share it that be helpful)


shared it on discord mate

I only really have 3 WT Discords that don’t share they same people.

well hope more see it

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“they should just add more lines like i don’t think its that confusing”

this guy defo didn’t get the memo

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that guy was me
i got the memo they are just wrong about it


ptahahah lol

Imo they could just make premiums a single line with opening window (similar to WoT)

god I forgot WoT had vertical ranks, looks so odd now being used to WT

New truck fire or nah?




Lots of activity due to blogs, site probably making sure it isn’t a flood of bots

The activity is because of the release of new body pillows lol

What is happening today?


I can’t think another MBT after Leopard 2K and Vickers MK.7 for germany and british in the future

and gaijin not add new MBT after Loepard 2K for 6 years & after Vickers Mk.7 for 4 years