Because a nation can only get 1 sub-tree with the 5-line limit.
I tend to go with Chile as they add more stuff than the things we already have in the Israeli tree.
The things Defender listed Israel has already got or will have so it will just add more than its necessary.
At least Chile will add different things
I don’t think israel got Hunter AFV, primus artillery, light strike vehicle, M113A2 Ultra IFV, M113A2 Ultra Mechanised Igla, f35b, leopard 2sg, leopard 2a7, Bionix AFV, terrax 3, Cadillac Gage Commando, M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle, amx 10p, Hawker Hunter, BAC Strikemaster, BAC Jet Provost, Lockheed T-33, Northrop F-5, Aérospatiale Alouette III. Honestly Singapore and Chile have quite similar military vehicles ish expect Singapore is more advanced (no offence). Singapore and Chile military equipment are roughly the same in term of bringing new military vehicles to a israeli sub tech tree so yeah.
are you listing the Strikemaster as an advantage or disadvantage over Chile?
Chile can go into a potential Latin America tech tree and honestly with the amount of votes it have i can definitely see it will come to attract south American players (but gaijin need a south America server first). A south east asia tech tree definitely ain’t coming anytime soon and i dont support that tree it way to overpowered and just 90 percent copy n paste unlike a Latin America tech tree.
how would a South east asia tree be OP?
are the cool RAF SEAC camos enough?
A Strikemaster would just be a meme vehicle
it is a meme vehicle
Just look at their potential air force tech tree
F15, rafale, su 27,30, f16, f35, migs, f18 and more than lazy to list. The tanks are leopards, russian tanks, chinese tanks and overall a copy paste nightmare
Yeah meme vehicle would always be a advantage 😎
yea idk, I like Air meme vehicles but I believe ground meme vehicles are more fun usually
M24 with 60mm APFSDS gun still draws me further to chile
Maybe a potential battle pass vehicle eh who know
Indeed it’s why I’m not a fan of SEA tree, Arab League and Commonwealth tree.
As they just have access to everyone’s tech. It’s better to split them up when can.
Tho I only really know how to split the Commonwealth nicely.
Singapore subtree with Chillenian vehicles being premiums/event. Similar to Sweden with Finland and Nornway
if you call maintenance at 9 in the evening, 5 minutes before the shift ends do not expect a happy mechanic
did you face this situation?