Off Topic Discussion

Early heavy multirole fighter with late 80’s ~ 2000 Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground armament at 12.7 BR for 3 countries when ?

The KV-1E is not the majority of their stuff.

Those will probably come in second patch of 2024



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Really ? Early heavy multirole fighter with late 80’s ~ 2000 Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground armament at 12.7 BR for 3 countries coming to the second major update in Q2 ?

Oh so its just skill issue that British tank can’t pen a T-34 fountally.

As I ran into a a T-34 in a Comet or a chally it’s ben awhile but in a head on
I couldn’t pen him from said front nor could I reverse from him.

That is… sad on your behalf

T-34 can be penned by 75mm M3 frontally, so not sure what you did to screw this up.
Probably shot drivers hatch or smn

Like I’ve said it’s been a long time but it was a lower tier

I too had bounced APDS on a T-34 before

was in a Black knight tho so he didn’t pen me either


I just found out the company I work at makes Pistons for Aircraft Engines

that makes it my first reason to like the company

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Finally, I have it the (CAN)ADATS is mine. Now off to become a Navel player.



@x_Shini say i know you don’t like the Benelux tree, but what if you put the Benelux and Switzerland together?
Regional trees seem to be popular with Central-Eastern Europe and Latin America, but this one would only need like 3 countries to work

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at that point it gets even more convuluted, without a real or certain theme anymore. Benelux at least got a theme going for it and switzerland isnt connected to it at all.
Besides that we once again get back to the problem what the switz tree actualy brings to the table, either again a copy paste leoapard or many mock up non functioning vehicles that many mistakenly believe to be real tanks .

Best example the 2A4 Ruag, complete extra armor is only mock up, it was never implemented

Neither does it solves the beneluxes giant problem of missing top tier spaa

i mean the CEE and LATAM tree don’t really either yet they seem to be pretty popular

ah right how could i forget only top tier MBTs matter to you…

Well, LATAM follows a certain theme, but generaly yes, to many nations put together into 1 basket to even make it possible

well that ones on you buddy

That’s kinda the point of a tech tree though? You want it to be at least somewhat special, but if that’s not possible, to be at least very good. This idea of yours just smashes a Leopard 2A6 TT with a Leopard 2A4C TT. Aside from that as Shini stated, the TT would have a massive issue in regards with SPAA at higher tiers (they’re what makes or breaks most nations).

Alas, Swiss are destined to be in Germany’s TT sooner or later, with the addition of the Obj 292, Leopard 2-140 (the Swiss one) will be added there.

don’t the Swiss have a 140 mm Leopard and an ADATS? And no, they’re not “destined” to go to Germany, we don’t know that.

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As I already stated, the Leo 2-140 will go to Germany (as they haven’t got a 140mm proto of their own pretty much), and Switzerland never had an ADATS system mounted on a vehicle afaik.

They’re very much destined to end up with Germany, at this point more’so than Netherlands will ever be (again, the 140mm prototype). Pandora’s box has been opened.

says who…?