Off Topic Discussion

time to get to the end of USA ground to see if the moaning is valid or all a skill issue

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I think it’s a bit of both. I do fairly well in my CB against T-90Ms and Strvs. The problem are other people in premiums and tt tanks leaving after 1 death while doing nothing.

btw ULQ textures?

Yeah it seems to be a flood of noobs

i think so that the dlc that you have to install to get right

Also Deathmisser got banned again for god knows

he did? I don’t see anything on his profile.

pretty sure he did another speedrun for user-reports on the forum by commiting a different opinion

I could see that. At this point I wouldn’t be spired it was a false ban. by others targeting him.

@Deathmisser u there buddy?

edit. He gone

he told me so i know

i think it was due to a meme about russian mains

Oh cmon Death again? What are you doing to my boi :(


He committed a different opinion

is there somthing with a Leopard race?

not that I know of

“I have an oppinion”
procreed to get banned, as it is against the forum rules

Doesn’t matter what plane it is.

True. None of his recent replies are against the rules. I don’t see any reason to ban him.


Su27 sounds like this in game

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