Off Topic Discussion

you don’t under stand how much i want the Arjun

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After a few games, I’m getting the impression the Bucc S.2 is now completely unusable :c

How to have fun in air rb? I can hardly play more than 2-3 matches of air rb at BR 7.3 with the MiG-9 Late without getting bored out of my mind.

You either play sim or don’t. Air rb is so stale it’s just unfun. Ground is headed in the same direction

Tho ground top tier sim is just as retarded as rb since cas can spawn at the start of the battle

ground sim is flawed. from brs to actual gameplay. airsim is fun for the most part

Yeah air is fine

play a different airframe then

the one time I tried ground sim I found it fine since SPAAs work but few ground sim players could make use of the planes

When i try to play ground sim i get spawnkilled by someone who i assume is new and does not see the name over me and assumes im an enemy (even tho the game just started)

Wrong forum

This is Off Topic. eveything not War Thunder goes here.

Deathmisser has posted games too.

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right thread tho


can you read the topic

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Meanwhile squad of 4 Ka-50’s yeeting Vihrs at you at the start of the match:


Drag race Challenger 2 vs Leclerc
cold start / hot start

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Uhhh- Because I can’t realy tell MBTs apart.

Who won? in both of those? I can tell both had a diffrent winner.

chally 1st, leclerc 2nd

leclerc 1st, chally 2nd

I see. Thanks.