Off Topic Discussion

it has AESA radar so would be too advanced for the game

It has PESA and it really doesn’t matter anyway with how the game evolves.

Either way, I am fully against a half baked tech demonstrator when there are production variants.

But if the production is too good for anything else its a problem
AESA is going to be a problem in this game as a certain nation will lack it

It was just a bit of fun mate, plus the Mirage 4000 Exists and France doesn’t really have another option until the Advanced Rafales (PESA is still too advanced and far outweighs Pulse Doppler radar we have rn)

I like but 3 ground vehicles yet 6 boats?

3 of the same plane (sorta) good Gaijin loves their C&P after all.

and no WW2. You could have at least thrown us a bone. even is it’s another Sherman.

well M24 Is a WW2 tank, just with some extra Cold war goodies soo…


But I still want my Bishop, Priest and Sexton.

Gaijin did a SPA-themed update and didn’t add even one of them. I need the 25pr and 105mm machines of WW2.

I do but as event vehicle ))

Isn’t uptiering the M2K-5F an option? If it gets MICA that is

Or they could pull a mig29g and have two variants with different camos

G was actually a different variant tho.

They changed the language from russian to english but fair point

Also NATO IFF and radios

Yeah, though those are basically irrelevant in game. Sad they never installed better rwr and the interrogator irl, would be nice in game.

What’s the chances that the T72 will be on sale on the 26th

Turms-T? Well, normaly i would say 100%, but this year sales were rather underwhelming compared to years prior, so i give it a 50%(it was not on sale during birthday, so it should be now, but snail might try to squeeze every last drop from the bestsellers).

Im gonna become what i swore i would destroy top tier Russia

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Canadian Maus isn’t real it can’t hurt you
Canadian Maus:


If you expect BVM performance from AV, you will be dissapointed. Sure ammo eat shots, but it is far from BVM. You can pen UFP with DM23, you cant reverse and your gun vertical movement is non existent. Gen 2(3? Im not sure, but im more into 2 than 3) TVD is nice and round is decent. Sadly most of the time you cant w to win, you have to think what you do.

i got to top tier Britain i always think I’m going to get one shot