Off Topic Discussion

Boy it’s heavy here with more later on. At 2am it was like evening how bright it was

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I survived

caught no Swiss Hornets tho :{

What about Swiss Panzers? Saw any of those(on display or otherwise)?

no, but taking tanks out into this snow would be suicide

Active use ones definitely but display ones are usually left there.

Or at least they are here. I got a photo of a LAV-III covered in snow from last year(or was in earlier this year)

idk if the swiss put tanks on display across the border in Austria

Ah. Unlikely unless Switzerland gave Austria some but might find tanks used by Austria.

Austria doesn’t have a tank to spare

they used a Concrete model of a T-34 for Training

Lol. I just pictured that. I can’t help but laugh at that image.

the tanks is now no longer being used and is on sometimes publicly reachable territory

I wanted to go there next year anyways, I’ll take pictures then I Guess


Ahhh…good ol Forum moment


Commonwealth plane? Seens offensive to me

Such an insult and you dare repost it? Im flagging you rn


No please



Western ERA in game



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Explosive Rock Armor.
I’m not sure if that would be genius, redundant, or stupid.

it could help to deflect HEAT blasts from Infantry launchers

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Not really