Off Topic Discussion

I dont know if id wanna see that tbh

Yeah i don’t follow football so i didn’t see it

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Fair enough

Gorgeous Rafales pics from RAF Waddington ! (credit:ée_de_lair/)



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why you always post the same Rafaello pictures?


And what do you mean ? Don’t remember posting these ones. They have been taken ~17days ago.


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(Were taken)

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GB, Japan, China, France

What should be my next country to grind tanks in ? I’m kinda for GB.

Do you like AP or APDS rounds? As that is all you are going to get.

Tho you also get the glorious 17pr.


France of course ! Good luck for first tank but if you know map positionning you can do really well after ! :D

AMD35 is your best things to play first, aiming at 1.3 lineup (S35, D2, 37L…), then aim for 2.3/2.7.
Once at 3.7 it’s mainly fun.

I’ve used Swedish Centurions and had no issues with solid shot ammo, 105mm APDS is also pretty decent in my opinion as well.



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tank iou

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I’m posting here to stop the R&R off-topic, and give you my vision of the thing:

Personally, I’m not trying to silence anyone, but put yourself in our point of view:
For 6+ years we see your tree being overdone, with lots of additions, sometimes 3/4 or more per update, and we have on the majority of updates of this period of time(outside new TTs) 1 add or 2 max at beast (even 2 was rare for long time).

And sometimes (often) nothing, it happened (remember the F-100D we got 9months after the US one at a time when we were waiting our first Mirage (IIIC), really behind other nations jet ?), and you continued to receive vehicles by the handful, while for everyone we can have similar homemade vehicles, but these never arrived.

It’s just that what you’re feeling right now, that a country (Sweden here) that’s taking your tech and what makes your TT so charming, we’ve had for a while now (French oscillating turret with autoloader on the DF105 (+the SK-like for you), anyone?), so it’s hard to have sympathy, especially when we know that your situation will always work out in the end, unlike ours.

The proof: they’ve promised you more Leopards. So you’re going to get more MBTs and yours aren’t powercreep, they’ve already got more armor (and are going to get more) and while you’ve already got a better pen than us, I can see you’re going to get better.

And honestly, when we gonna have the update with EF and Rafales, even if they are comparable and i hope for an “European Canards” named update, i can see it coming that you 3 gonna have the EF and we gonna be stuck with Mirages because of stats…

Here, if you ever want an explanation of why seeing you complain makes us bristle.

There’s no way they wouldn’t add the EFT without its french rival the Rafale it just wouldn’t be right


EF gonna be mainly a copy past between the 3 nations operating it ingame, when the Rafale is a fully new models on a less played nation, so… Part of me already fear that is coming like that.

only real difference will be loadouts but i see what you mean easier and to add three EFTs then a Rafael but there two peas in a pod so if they don’t add them at the same time there should be a riot