Off Topic Discussion

Why the separate the F-4F ICE? One with IRIS-T and one without?


As IRST isn’t gonna come anytime soon

I guess it’s one with AIM-9Li + AIM-120B and the other one with IRIS-T + AIM-120C-5

9M ;)
I really don’t get why people would get upset at realistic missiles.
Unless 9Li is superior to 9M there really shouldn’t be a reason to oppose it; then again 9M even as a stock or middle missile would be better.

It never used AIM-9M yk and AIM-9Li is a German missile which actually surpassed AIM-9M in seeker peformance.

Functionally the same in game except for smoky motor on Li

Well given that the most wild IR missiles like the 9X and IRIS-T are a while away. The less capable variant of a modern plane, the better. (Ignoring the issue of some tech trees probably not having a great time getting comperable missiles)

As far as the dev page sais the ICE couldn’t carry AMRAAMs more modern than B

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it’ll be an AiM-9B FGW.2 situation where they shouldn’t be identical but are in game

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Unfortunate then

Or AIM-7F AIM-7M situation

we’ll have to wait til an EF 2000 Block 1 (Super early) with AiM-9Li and AiM-120C4 gets added

Hate how they Butchered some of the guns in that game

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To my knowledge, there isn’t anything technical stopping the ICE from using 120Cs… what stopped them from using C’s though, was the fact Germany never bought them in the first place for the F-4Fs.

In fact, it was only this year that Germany purchased their first new AMRAAM since late 1990s, the C-8.

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Well wasnt realy needed, we had acces to the superior meteor missles, only reason we are getting new amraams is because F35 isnt compatible yet and the US is taking their time in making them compatible

I wonder if we demand them to change the guns to 27mm Mauser

I bet the British would of changed the engines in the f35b if there wasn’t already a Rolls Royce in there


Speaking of Brits and since this is the off topic thread did anyone else see the NUFC robbery yesterday now I guess

No i don’t know what your on about unfortunately

they’d have had them tilted downwards if there wasn’t a Jump jet variant available


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