Off Topic Discussion

Look i think theyd all be better suited as commonwealth subtree of uk (except pakistan in china and an independent israel style india).

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To be honest this used to be my wish for how things were done.

I’m a hard supporter for an independent Canada tree. And always wanted an ANZAC tree more.

I prefer the separate Canada and ANZAC trees over my “Commonwealth” tree idea. but as it stands the “Commonwealth/CANZ” one is looking like a better option.

With that said if they arent doing a commonwealth subtree then independent canada, anzac, and india feel more natural than smashing it all together in a commonwealth tree that has nothing to do with britain game mechanics wise.

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For trees like ANZAC it would be great if gaijin would start creating secondary tech trees for existing nations instead of stuffing sub nations into the main trees

That way you could include way more stuff than in a sub-tree and gaps of such a sub-nation could be filled with vehicles from the main nation instead of having to rely of paper stuff, planned/tested stuff and pure copy paste

Wild that here is where the serius discussion is rn

The custom loadouts for the 190 f8 slap so hard. You can take the rockets and the 1000kg bomb. I’m regularly walking away with 3-4 kills on ground targets per run.

Hot take: kamikaze should be a thing in naval, since all sorts of sides did it.


I was in a custom once and someone slammed a jet into me well I was in Belfast and I exploded.

I think they let their secondary go right before.

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Imagine getting kamikazied by the 6 engine flying boat.

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Sunderland to the forehead

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Having no aa and seeing a ki10 slowly approach.

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Do F-104s deal more damage in a kamikaze attack?

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Costal boats in a nutshell. Well, the low-tier ones.

Im not playing naval seriously until they add subs

In order to collect every Canadian vehicle in-game I needed to play costal. If I didn’t buy this premium(and time) I would still be months away from from the first one.

I’m now just missing the ADATS and HMCS Terra Nova.

If they do add subs i might become a naval main tho lol

Subs would be fun.

Tho I’m more into battleships and carriers. as they have more of the names I want.

Honestly id like pre-dreadnoughts and armored cruisers.

I heard someone call a Deutschland an armored cruiser and i was like yoooo thats it thats what they are.

Shell shatter this