Off Topic Discussion

don’t forget F-15 and F/A-18 if you’re including the F-20



There is no point to adding ASSTA 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0, only the 3.1 would really make sense

Well we can call it the F-4FJ for now

I personally don’t think adding every little ASSTA version is necessary, maybe just a 3.1 or a 2.1 and a 3.1

or F4F IC

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Mmmm, mach 0.94 max speed.


at that point the extra missiles are unnecessary

in game you’ll never use 10 AMRAAMs and IRL I don’t think so either

this is just a Wealth flex from the Swiss


We probably wouldn’t even get such loadout options

If you’ve ever used Fox-3s (Like Aim-54) then you’d know there’s no such thing as “too many”.

You simply fire and forget, spam the missiles out until you’re dry.

Maybe in terms of gameplay and balacing, but never due to lack of demand.

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From a balance (and realism) perspective there definitely is such a thing as too many missiles

I can see F-18s with double pylons being added at higher tiers in the future

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sniper monke

I look forward great britain, france and italian aircraft rank 7 ~ rank 8 project later

This man is always unhinged
All i did was post a link to a video on how to avoid r73s and aim9ms


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