Off Topic Discussion

why is there no air protection on heil pads

But I quite believe that dev consider medium-range active radar homing Air-to-Air Missile on 8 or 9 fighter aircraft this year

Because CAS players would cry about the helipad AA killing them

i had spawned in and there was a enemy ka52 right behind me camping

If BVRAAMs are to be added in december every nation will get at least one platform. However the list you included is sketchy at best

I know the feeling, had plenty of times where I wanted to spawn in as a heli and some prop plane was just camping the helipads

not a prop another heil
instant death

Does it matter what kind of vehicle is camping the helipad tho?

yeah but the plane isn’t going to be staring at the back of me

People really aren’t trying to pass off lists as real anymore.

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As if that is going to make a difference when said prop plane can just turn around and gun you down while you are defenseless

yeah i don’t understand how there’s no aa against it

There is plenty of AA, but it just doesn’t deal damage
People claim the Helipad AA is too close to the battlefield, so it would “interfere” with actual CAS gameplay, so Gaijin decided to disable the Helipad AA damage all together instead of looking for a better solution, like having it deal damage if the enemy gets too close or just starts camping the Helipad

I’m wondering Tornado F3 CSP from leak like Tornado F3 in great britain tech tree or it might be separate aircraft from Tornado F3 ? 🤔

CSP/FSP are upgrade packages, the Tornado F.3 as it currently is will stay and there will be a Tornado F.3 labeled as CSP, FSP or just (Late) with AMRAAMs

these are Awesome, I love to take those out

look at the MiG-29G

it’ll definitely be seperate

Look at this monstrosity.


what am I seeing here?

and why isn’t the turret on the ground next to it?

Poor B3 got caught in the middle of the field since his gun depression is killing him with all those defilades on Flanders.
I also noticed only B3’s and M1A1 HC’s models get all sorts of weird on my settings, everything else is fine.