Off Topic Discussion

I hear Avi fuel is more expensive than Jet fuel,Is that correct?

I don’t pay or look at the gas bills, the owner calls, they show up, fill and the bill goes elsewhere.


What’s happening with the anticheat right now? I just played 15 matches and all of them lost against Chinese/Russian names shooting people through 5-9 layers of bushes/buildings, what the hell is going on right now?

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I was confused a bit, what did you do lol. Also I’m jealous now, not even TEC dropped my name so far in his Videos on the German Trinity.

Ngl having an eeg is stupid.(I don’t want to have one)


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I make a lineup for the purpose of Helicopter rocket rushing and all of a sudden I get big maps like Flanders and Fire Arc

I swear War Thunder has code to sabotage the player no matter what

I’m pretty sure they do have a hidden matchmaker

Stubbed my right toe hard on a root this vacation, have been hobbling around for 3 days now. But the pain is slowly subsiding. So annoying, my employer already denied me my second week of vacation and now this. My left toe is also acting up, not sure if the skin is trying to grow over the nail or the nail into the skin. Need to get my hands on some sharp nail scissors soon and go under that nail again.

o.O ew

Yeah :/

Is the Anticheat still munted? I can’t find one game where I am not immediately shot from 1km away through 3 treelines by a russian guy

change servers

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play on SA server for the best experience 😁

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I know about that, I already changed to NA since that’s where I meet the least cheaters, but is the anticheat seriously just dead right now?

Man why does the battlepass have a naval challenge…

For the whole 3.14 naval mains :P

It’s already bad enough that almost every naval player is a bot or cheater, but then theres also the “PLAYER” part of the challenge that means you cant kill the official gaijin bots you get into matches with most of the time…

Dog days

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