The cool air defense Stryker now has a cool name
Gaijin pls add Sgt. Stout to the game
I agree, the ultra red kinda good. I have kind of dropped monsert since high school tho, prefer either pre workout ever since I started uni and going to the gym or Bang! energy.
Tho in the end it kind of drops off over time
Finally finished my Suggestion post over the OV-10D+ Bronco, hope it gets approved, but I’ll post an exact copy in Machinery of War section for open discussion and feedback.
Nice, if I see a fox pfp typing I’m gonna delete my account (alviswista)
You can’t have a nice conversation with someone on this forum lmao.
Almost everyone who isn’t even involved with a conversation wants to make themselves feel important.
I mean, it’s a good laugh every blue moon though.
i need free app to make myself skins maybe someone knows one?
Sorry, idk man.
Try Gimp. It’s free and easy to learn
are you forgetting what GIMP stands for? Gnu Image Manipulation Puzzle :P
Well, got me there.
On the surface level it’s relatively ez, let’s put it like that )))
Insert Mr Incredible becoming uncanny meme
Update tomorrow!
Desert Warrior and Sea Harrier FA.2, here I come!
Tho I am more hyped for the Javelin buff and HESH/Shaped Charge update
To hell with the multipath change tho, thats gonna be such bullshit for plenty of 10.3-11.3 jets
go on, rotate some text
Massive BR shifts are gonna happen over the next few weeks. They’re changing so much stuff on so many planes it’s absurd.
Especially with the likes of the MiG-23 nerfs, it’s going to be hilarious when that thing is like 10.3-10.7
Now how do i do that
how to install a 15GB update when there is 480MB of free space on the disk? Delete the game and download only the update? hehe
Ah hell nah, they actually went ahead and applied the Multipath change for all BRs
RIP 10.3-11.0 in uptiers
How you like the “new” sounds in GRB?
as I said, all SARH and ARH missiles are now harder to dodge
even R3R
I mean I don’t think the Sapphire-21 has a good look down-shoot down mode