Umm I have a question… did gaijin change the reason to have a crew timer? I never crashed I died to a enemy aim 7m and got a 3 minute timer
Dunno, I can’t stand the timer though.
In a 1v1 I just got told “jees dude dont be so aggressive relax and enjoy the fight”
that’s what Air RB is all about
Minor rant, but I wish people would stop judging entire trees on top tier capability. It just makes no sense to me.
I’ve seen people say that Germany sucks, and that Sweden is one of the best nations in game because of it, both of which are untrue.
Also, does anyone here actually play all or most BRs?
I kinda do, air only tho
I’ve got both Sweden and Germany to top tier in air, France, Britain and USSR to Jets
and I’d say yes there are some trees that Generally have a worse performance across the board compared to others
most of the reasons for a whole tree to be worse than others are weird mechanic changes like realshatter which benefits only Hispano and and Russian type 20mm guns
I think it’s fine to generalize a tree as long as the BR you are talking about is specified.
Germany lacks a lot in higher tier air, but they are very good below 6.0.
Was it me?
nu pass? what I miss
I’m talking in general, the system is horrible, we have events, battle pass, and pages of history 24/7, and the whole game is basically based around FOMO now.
They really should do more events that bring back unavailable additions.
I’d love it if they brought back one of the EBRs. They should’ve been TT, but sadly they aren’t.
The 11F’s rafales were crowned “Best flying unit” and “Best painted aircraft” at the NATO Tiger Meet 2024 !
Dang, they painted one of the EF into a Green Tiger
Looks nice too ^^
Sponsored by Monster energy? :p
I shall never drink that shit again.
It tastes like camel piss.
I find that extremely ugly
compared to that the Frenchie looks like it’s a Painting framed in thr plane
How do you know how camel piss tastes like? 🤔
You don’t want to know.