Off Topic Discussion

sniper monke

I look forward great britain, france and italian aircraft rank 7 ~ rank 8 project later

This man is always unhinged
All i did was post a link to a video on how to avoid r73s and aim9ms


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Is this Dalle-3 ?

Yes, although there had been instances when Bing Create downgradeded automatically to Dalle-2.

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Thought so it’s a shame you have to use an email address

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Indeed, you could try an encrypted anon Mail like Proton Mail for example, I used this once to write a Mail to some Gaijin adress, intrdoducing myself as some figure of a secret society, informing them that their Vehicle Exclusivity practices in WT interfere with our Weapon Trades.

Well mainly I got 3 dud emails I can use as I got wrongfully banned from a server from a particular platform. hehe so I could try and dig one up

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@richthofen122 wtf really you have to pay for Dalle ?

Idk im used to Heat seekers and very few SARH

the sweets are realistic


I am sure that this is a complete sentence.

Oh god


Error 403

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bandicam 2023-11-24 19-11-31-007

Not at all, I just have a Microsoft Account.

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So what site do you use ?