Off Topic Discussion

snail be like what’s that

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Gaijin: Is that some sort of non-functional era?

no cardboard you mean

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Hehe Cromtilda



typical AKK

first give clearance then no budget

This man has a problem any time someone other then Russia has something good

insane levels of salt from all sides tbh

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It looks so right but so wrong at the same time.

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yeah over 10kg of thurst

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Russia not getting the absolute best aircraft? disgraceful! how can all these people have a better version of muh Mig-29, Everyone who isn’t Russia should be flying Tornados and Mig-21s so only Russia can be on top!

pretty much irrelevant since the 29G is the 9.12 airframe iirc with no spinal fuel tanks = lighter, would still be better even with the same engines as the SMT

Both get reamed by F-16C anyway and I don’t see why OP couldn’t complain about it just because some other nations might be worse off. OP needs to touch grass and ppl need to get over their russian hate boner

God I hate fireworks night. There should be a size limit in cities

News straight from 2020. In 2022, the F-35A (GA) was chosen, due to the policy of the Chancellor, and in the same year 34 were ordered

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is the only difference between f35 a b c is just wing size or vtol

Are you sure? One version is for air combat, another for basing for the Navy and a third for multi-role missions. They all have different equipment and weapons

P/s And they are all unreliable

Eh still would be nice for Germany to get it as a stop gap for the Typhoon :)

I think this will happen, Germany doesn’t have many options to keep up with its “interlocutors”

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no there reliable and the A is for army B is VTOL and C is for navy unless your British then B is navy and i think they are all multi role anyway

I personally, almost every six months, see news like: “A modern plane crashed in Arizona,” “An F-35 plane was crashed in the state of “x” and so on.

The most ridiculous and unmodern aircraft, created from improvised means to push them for export

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I’d go crazy anyway. You’re suggesting a Siper Hornet. Not the legacy one.