Object 292 unbalanced

Yeah, aka a 500kg bomb

Its a tradeoff, but in many ways likely a tradeoff worth paying. But its still a weapon available on a plattform allowing you to drop it in relative immunity from everything except airplanes intercepting you.

No, I just know (You), the one guy, are definitely incorrect.

I’m starting to think that you’re legitimately insane. You keep repeating these non-points.
Oh! It has bombs that can be dropped in “relative immunity” (relative immunity in this case meaning certain SPAA, and nothing else - certainly not enemy planes.).

I have, as CALMLY as I CAN - explained, with comparisons, that the Q-5L is literal garbage. A killing potential of only two ground kills and nothing else while other planes get AAMs and multiple drops of walleyes and AGMs along with flares at the same BR.

And you selectively just ignore the most basic points. I think you are a disgusting person.

If you do not want to actually address these simple, broken down points, easily digestible by toddlers…

I see no point in continuing this reply chain. If your next reply doesn’t acknowledge that having no flares and only 2 laser bombs is worthless compared to other CAS at the same BR which have ~5+ long range ground ordinance, anti air missiles and flares - I will no longer bother replying to your drivel.

I’ve yet to die in a ground battle to SPAA while using Q-5L because the altitude is 7000 meters, and no missile can reach that altitude at 9.7 while being maneuverable enough to hit a 0.91 mach target.

2S6 cannot even hit that, and you can try for yourself if you want to.
Q-5L is a 9.7 GRB aircraft and a 9.0 ARB aircraft.
Q-5L is the best 9.7 CAS in the game with Ayit in 2nd as a 9.3 because it climbs slower.

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far more than enough if you get a direct hit, which isn’t hard

I mean you’re the original/infamous RazerVon, the other one is a parody account.


The other is giving their sincere opinions/trolling and hiding their true identity.

We all know youre RazerVon.


Can y’all please move on, this is about the 292’s BR, so I’m just asking ya to please just don’t keep going off topic about a plane with CAS capabilities.


Yes, most likely is. Because iog has good tracking.
The Q-5L in a vacuum will be able to get 2 (TWO) kills even with that tiny explosive mass. They won’t be multikills like with a bigger bomb so more than likely - you’ll get two kills. 1 kill at least.

And… That’s it. You’re also DEAD if there are any enemy planes because every enemy plane around 9.7 is far more capable.

In a vacuum, the Ayit can get 5 ground kills with impunity. And defend itself against enemy fighters. And get up closer to the battlefield with flares.


The resident reta-, or rather RazorVon, believes the Q-5L is the best 9.7 CAS because it climbs faster? You gotta start thinking these people were dropped on their head.

The Ayit’s AGMs have 20km of range. Its TV guided bombs also have kilometers of range. And it has more than double the ground ordinance. And flares. And anti air missiles. BUT IT CLIMBS SLOWER THOUGH!

Dude, you need top stop talking down on others just cause you refuse to listen to them.

Ayit still has to get to 8km altitude before it can use its ordnance effectively, just like nearly all other stand-off platforms with the exception of top BR stuff like F-14, F-16, Gripen, and Mirage 2000 as examples.
Without that altitude Ayit dies to M247 and stingers just like every other low-flying aircraft during their engagement which eats a few km of altitude each time.

Me asking you to stop going off topic isn’t me not listening to you. Although your arguments in a CAS related jet are valid points of discussion, they don’t belong in this topic, I’m not looking to go off topic either, just move on or make a different topic is all I’m asking. This just isn’t the place for it.

The forums glitched and auto-filled your name instead of Sneed’s for some reason.

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Almost all of the “documentation” is either from the russian government or puppets. As I later claimed, russian sources should only be accepted if it is substantiated by atleast three non-russian backed or associated sources.


Of course - this wouldn’t apply to western vehicles and western sources. Those wouldn’t need at least three russian backed or associated sources - as we all know that the Western government is one of the most fair, honest and loyal to its people!

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True, though doesn’t it have other charges in fuel?

Yeah the complete opposite right now. Just look at Stingers. Russian source dictating NATO capabilities, Stupid Bang-Bang guidance.

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Your individual K/D ratio doesnt mean anything in this case otherwise the vehicle you played would’ve ended up in top tier br.

Sure lets call it my bad on that part but this doesnt change the outcome, if you miss your shot on 2S38 and he cant disable,cripple or kill you in return then its on him.

if you want to get multikills then use the 500kg ones…

The ones that are far more likely to miss and get no kills?

Between the carousel and the engine, only if its carrying more than 17 shells out of 30, wich would get it destroyed way sooner with a LFP shot

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