Object 292 unbalanced

So TRAM should be 11.3 or 11.7 on that logic.
Sub sonic , low altitude striker and no quided munitions ( ok, 2 laser missiles on useless optics)
Compared to American counterpart, 2x Flares and 6x tv quided missiles and hell of a lot brrrrrrrrt, is on same br. and since it got better optics, cannon, flares and quided munition 11.0 would be fine? :D


I’m assuming you’re confused and talking about the A-10, as the TRAM doesn’t have a cannon?

The A-10 has a much worse flight and damage model than the Su-25. It also doesn’t get eight nuclear warhead rockets.

[quote=“SlowHandClap, post:238, topic:79445”]
I’m assuming you’re confused and talking about the A-10, as the TRAM doesn’t have a cannon?
I assume, you actually realised that when talking american counterpart, it was about on A-10

Yeah, 8 unquided rockets. I would trade em anytime on tv quided missiles. Or Jesus big bombs…

TRAM was just a small slap in wrist when talking about something OP CAS in 10/10.3

And yes, I keep both just fine in 10.0, SU-25 and A-10
There’s nothing OP on eitherone of em in br10. Not even when facing em on br 9…

To be fair, modern 152mm HE is basically going to one-shot an MBT in real life if it hits the roof or explodes beneath. It’s a very powerful shell.

The tank that’s “75% green” (a severe underestimation of NATO tank armor in-game) can also reverse 10 times faster than a T-72 (3km/h vs 30km/h), has a turret that traverses twice as fast horizontally and vertically with double the gun depression, can turn in place and react quicker, with faster reload speeds and a much higher top speed and acceleration.

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You assume I realised that you used the wrong name for the A-10???

Having played both (you’ve only played Russia, naturally) I prefer using eight S-25Os on the [email protected] compared to six AGM-65Ds on the A-10 late at 10.3. The default optics are terrible, you basically need to get into rocket CCIP range to use them.

He kinda explained it already. He didnt use wrong name, simply because he was speaking about both of them.

This is part about TRAM

This is comparison between Su-25 and A-10

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So I assumed wrong, that you realised that there was 2 different planes what i was talking about.
Well lucky there is no 10.0 Premium A-10 what is more seen on games, compared to late variant.

Yeah, having own account main Soviet /German, doesnt give me option that maybe I’ve played Murica, example on friends place , who may use Freedom as main.
And yes, both late and early A-10 doesnt shine on optics, but low quality optic is still better than no optic at all.


I need to take some mental gymnastics class, it’s clear I’m not on your level to be able to understand this idiocy.

I wouldn’t call it better, it has a far worse radar… The MiG-29SMT also gets SPO-32

Glad to see that someone got the point right on.

Your English is very poor, so it was hard to tell. My mistake.

There are also premium su-25Ks everywhere. I do agree the premium A-10 should be 10.3, but that’s GJN’s normal greedy policy.

Pretty sure account sharing is a bannable offence, so I wouldn’t brag about it on the forums.

Says this in game, not sure if it’s correct:

idk where you get good armour and abrams in the same sentence but i agree w everything else

Sharing, and playing few games when on friends place is quite different.
Sharing is when someone gives you Acces to account anytime/Contiuous playing on someone else account.
And where was the brag?

Yeah, not my main language,sorry for that, but lucky example Hirosawa wasn’t so slow, that he gotted the point right on.

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thing eats LFP shots from apfsds like nothing. point blank at the lower front plate and i got a hit.

Having armor that works and an autoloader that can’t be damaged provides much more survivability and polyvalence on the battlefield than a quick traverse and good reverse speed.

L-150 is an alternative name to SPO-32, or vice versa if you see L-150 as the standardized name.

Is that the reason why you yourself did better playing the Leopard 2 than you did playing the T-80UM2?
You also have incomparably better stats than both the T-80 and the Leopard 2 in the LeClerc. A vehicle that embodies none of the qualities you’ve been talking about.


T80UM2 is my only russian tank so I can’t help my team win games
I play it like an absolute monkey and still have 1.5 k/d
Leclerc players are forced to hide and ambush which is meta in this game thanks to 3rd person peeking
Overall the T80UM2 is far more fun to play because I can take crazy risks without getting instakilled

Lol you thought you did something