Object 292 unbalanced

Without hard evidence its nothing but claims and considering how many times you threw empty claims İ’ll take it as a lie.

Still waiting for an proper explanation how Mig29G is superior to SMT in overall(you dont have it ofc).

Energy retention and of course acceleration, which matters most at top BR when loadouts are identical.
Those aspects as well as flares is why Gripen is more survivable than Mig-29.
Same as F-16C being more survivable.

Assuming I only did 25% of the battles of all the blue items since Pantsir’s introduction. That’s 62 green + 140 blue battles, so ~200 battles. And I spawned a jet in nearly all of them, sometimes fighter cause I did anti-air duty instead of CAS. That’s at least 50 Pantsir’s.

Which both of them makes difference in certain scenarios aka Dogfights which i already explained that Mig29G is better then Smt in those kind of situations.

On the other hand Smt has:
-Superior radar
-Superior RWR
-More and better countermeasurs(larger caliber ones)
-Much better A2G ordinance since Mig29G only has dumb bombs and rockets while SMT has very long range F&F missiles and bombs.

Smt clearly wins this competetion while Mig29G only excels in 1vs1 dogfight scenarios which rarely happens on these days.

Turns out you threw another empty claim, how shocking.

İf you really thought me and another person will believe your claim while looking at single picture(which has nothing to do with Pantsir and Mig29 anyway) then you must be really high dude.

Honestly, once i used the trick of going sideways in my Jaguar A, i won basically every single duel i had with Pantsirs.

And i was using the AS30L which has fairly limited range.

You can always play your cards better and outsmart the enemy but that doesnt mean you can easily win against Pantsir every single time or doesnt mean Tor-M1 is superior to Pantsir.

İ encountered countless Pantsir players in my Gripen,F-16C and Mirage2000-5F and managed to beat them as well.

Tor-M1 has no chance to engage with any plane that sits at 12+km while Pantsir has chance to do it not to mention you can never know if Pantsir fired a missile to you unless you directly look at him with your targeting pod while Tor-M1 gives hard lock on radar and launch warnings(and lets not forget Pantsir has quadruple 30MM’s for close range and better search and track radar while Tor-M1 has none of them).

İts a clear picture that which Spaa system is better.

A2G doesn’t make the aircraft better at killing aircraft.
As long as RWR tells you launch, knowing what’s launching is just a nice bonus rather than a necessity.
CM size currently doesn’t matter for AIM-9Ms currently though they probably should, so for now that’s just 1 - 2 extra 9M defeats from the standard 4 - 6 defeats from 60 countermeasures.

Yeah, it’s easy cause they can’t hit you if you keep speed up.

I dont think “going sideways” Is particularly clever, nor is it a hard card to play.

But what it does is overwhelmingly dumpster Pantsir players. And when i say duel, i mean they are actively shooting me. And i dont think they were all dumb either as a notable amount started to shoot down my AS30L instead of wasting missiles trying to hit a subsonic jet thats about 5-8km away.

You dont even understand what you read in the first place looks like, while you’re constantly talking about Air rb performance i clearly stated that Smt is superior to 29G in overall performance.

Learn how to read first then answer, you’re wasting my time.

Which is makes it superior considering you will know what kind of enemy you will face so you can make proper tactic in your head before visual engagement. İf that wasnt the case then engineers wouldnt even bother to develop better RWR systems.

İt does considering it lets you to survive longer on battlefield which lets you make more impact ingame.

They cant hit me cause i keep my distance while spy on them with my thermal pods and staying fast of course, if speed was the only important factor then i wouldnt manage to kill enemy planes that was cruising at 14km distance with high speed.

So flanking an enemy spaa system is not a clever tactic in your book? interesting.

İf they cant even hit a Jaguar then its on them in that case(unless they were busy with something else ofc).

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Right now 9Ms only care about amount of flares launched not the size of them, which is likely inaccurate.
I doubt you’ve ever killed a mach 1 target in a 30 degree cone to their side.

And guess which Mig29 model has more countermeasures in that case? Surpriseee its SMT.

Also Aim-9M isnt the only missile SMT faces and larger caliber countermeasures does have effect on İr missiles.

İ can say the same thing for your claims so cry me a river please.

I think you missunderstand.

Super clever taktikts:
"I spawn plane. I go straight ahead. I shoot my AS30L. I do a right turn. "

At some time, probably right as im firing the AS30L the Pantsir has launched at me.

At no point here do i flank the enemy spaa, im litterally within a 20 degree arc of my air spawn from the perspective of a Pantsir and the Pantsir has noticed me because it is firing at me.

Well they arent busy with anything other than shooting at me. Either every single Pantsir player is having massive skill issue, or the tactic of “doing a right turn and flying perpendicular” actually just works.

No that’s quite literally all they do. It’s sad.

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Panther2995 have pantsir
AlvisWisla have top tier planes

Just go to custom battle and see if the pantsir can hit the plane at 15+km in five tries, for example. You can also record a video to show us. Anything is better than useless talk where no one can change anyone’s mind.


İ clearly stated any competetent pilot will actively dodge and stay away from pantsirs effective range, do you like cherrypicking or just simply ignored my reply on that context?

Btw this whole conversation started cause according to Alvis Tor-M1 is superior to Pantsir.

i would like to test this claim, care to join me on tomorrow?

I would, but not tonight. I can do it possibly tomorrow, or if Alvis joins you, they can execute the strat for me.

İ would like to test Pantsir against Jaguar spesifically cause i know any competetent pilot will dodge Pantsir’s missiles in any toptier plane.

Sure, tho you can likely do the same test with any jet that doesn’t like going above Mach 1 much.

Edit: worth noting that it is somewhat reliant on actually getting to the 8km-ish launch range. Then again i dont remember having much issue doing so.

Those Nord missiles are better then most other weapon systems in 10km range so it will give more chance to Jaguar i believe.

Thats why i specifically talked about Jaguar in that case.

I usually count the range at about 8km for reliable shots. The Nords get shafted by guidance time in terms of range.

Your opponent says you can fly in a straight line, the pantsir will miss if speed is high enough. You say it will hit. That’s what I’m proposing to test. What does active dodge have to do with it?

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