Object 292 is overrated

How did you kill a plane with this tankXD

You’re forgetting that Russian vehicles take hits they absolutely shouldn’t.

So do NATO tanks.

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It’s not as common.

Most of them.

Stop being simple and read that we’re not talking about normal ass uptier blues. The 292 stomps 9.3-10.0s.

Cool doesn’t matter I obviously knew that before I said extremely trolly armor.

DM model does not detonate this. I shoot all weakspots and I usually only ever kill 1 crew get absorbed by fuel. Do not try to say some stupid shit like skill issue. I know where to aim.

Except the 292’s frontal profile yes. You are required to weakspot snipe while the 292 is not even required to weakspot snipe anything in its matchmaking.

Shit take.

Don’t know why this shitty forum editor replied to you Sanguine

Iirc they dive on me, some are helicopters.

The 292 is among the worst 10.3s. Something like T-64A vs Leo 2A4 is infinitely harder than Leo 1A5 vs 292.

No it doesn’t.

Still a lie. It has average armor.

Even when bringing no HE at all the hull autoloader still detonates.

Drivers port is a 1 shot every time.

Not exclusive to russian tanks.

Go back to reddit.

The 292 has to aim the same way you have to. If the 292 doesn’t 1 shot you they have to reload for a whole 10 seconds which is more than enough to cripple and finish them.

What does it do good except firepower and mediocre armor?

It has worse reload, survivability, turret traverse, turret elevation, repair time, reverse gear, gun depression than similar tanks and lacks thermals, a HMG and smoke grenades.

This tank isn’t even competitive in a 11.0 or 11.3 game and you want it to face 11.7?


Homie I have to bring this up, do you know what your statcard looks like in relation to this conversation and said tank? Do you know how BAD that looks in reference to your argument?

Also, what?

I’m guessing you’re talking about the fact my 292 KD is better than in tanks like the T-80B or T-90A?

I’m talking you got very little time at this BR and the time you do have is shit stomping people in the 292

The reason I’m playing the 292 so much is because 152mm HE is much more fun than any other top tier tank even if you sacrifice killing power.

And my KD in the 292 is only better because it had no HEAT stock grind.

This is from a few months back but after getting most of the modules in the T-64B I managed to average a 3 KD as well. Admittedly not as many matches but still much easier to play in a 10.7 game than the 292.

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 16-55-36 Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again - Game Discussion _ Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

I did better with the Leopard 2A4 too lol I literally doesn’t have a lineup at 10.3 if I don’t count the PUMA, I can tell that thing slays. I guess if you can play some lesser tank like T-64/T-72 and Leopard 2 is something you can jump in and instantly figured out how to play it right away.

Even firepower is mitigated by the reload being twice that of an Abrams and almost twice that of a Leo 2. Though I would say the mobility is pretty good on it as well. The armor is also perfectly good but doesn’t overperform and as you said the sides are very easy OHKs.


It’s okay

I shot a helicopters tail off with it, the Guy came zooming at full speed for my Team.