Object 292 BR

That comparison was made against a 11.0 vehicle which handily beats it in most categories, so those two sharing the same BR is questionable at best.

Both are MBTs, so we aren’t comparing apples to oranges.
Also, something with 5 degrees of gun depression, 10s reload and no thermals at 11.0 isn’t really an insane sniper.

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Exactly. Event vehicles should be expected to be auxiliary vehicles. They’re never the backbone of a lineup. Complaining that a specialized vehicle can’t do everything is just foolish.

Literally everything can be overcame with proper playstyle, why are we still discussing things then ?
See it first, shoot it’s gun out and you’re good, no fuss about it.

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See your opponent first, shoot them anywhere, kill. No fuss about it. “Just shoot the gun” is a paper excuse that hides a lack of actual arguments in defense of an overpowered vehicle.

What? You want to have everything in one tank and don’t have any cons ? What do you even expect? Every russian tank has -5 yet still it’s possible to play hulldown with it. Just you need to know your places. 10sec reload makes you to snipe, and this tank would be great at it. With decent mobility you will take spots faster and by decent I mean its still faster than any T-72/Challenger tank in this bracket. Still you have some armour to bounce stock shells and there comes your firepower that would be immense

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To see and shoot someone first you need vision and reaction times.
Thermals improve your vision and better gun handling will improve your reaction times.

Also, having reload that’s twice as fast will make fighting more than one opponent much more viable.

Again, the M1A1 is a well-rounded vehicle. The 292 put all its points in attack. They ought to be played very differently. I understand if you find this difficult to understand, however, since this is the first vehicle of its class in the game.

Again, multirole vs specialized vehicles. The F-111 and MiG-21 are both fighters, doesn’t mean they are comparable 1 to 1.

No point of arguing with you, shoot the gun but in the opposite he can shoot you just anywhere. Fair thing to begin with. Even in 2A7V I would be scared of this thing

No ?
I just said 292’s cons outweigh the pros when compared to M1A1 by quite a lot, so putting those two vehicles at the same BR is not a good idea.

You can brawl with casemates, but that doesn’t mean they’re particularly good or even decent at that job.

292 is not beating many tanks to spots at 11.0.

Stock performance of any tank is irrelevant.

Thermals 1gen will improve your defect of vision and when you snipe you see a big white blob anyway. 2nd gen and up makes difference. With proper play style still you can overcome worse gun handling. Like now maybe 3 russian tanks have comparable gun handling to western counterparts, yet still Turms is considered good the same like others

Not 1st gen, not since night battles were all lit up and then mainly removed.

No it will not. It can slightly improve your time on target, sure. But that’s only significantly at close ranges which is not what this vehicle is designed for. Stay at range and you will kill anything.

Being able to one-tap centre-mass on any vehicle in the game also helps. You shouldn’t ever get yourself into a situation with this vehicle where you are going to be fighting multiple opponents outside of your control. For the last time, it’s a specialized sniper and should be used as such. If there’s too many enemies, fall back into the cover of your well-selected position.


Funny you bring that up when casemates aren’t put at a lower BR because of a lack of performance in CQB over comparable turreted vehicles…

Thermals and reload speed are also offensive features, so I would say 292 puts all it’s points in it’s shell, that’s about it.

At 11.0, you can’t brawl with it since your reload is godawful. Going on flanks is also pretty meh considering you’ll often come across faster vehicles with great thermals that will see you first because of that and point-click you since your armor for that BR is pretty bad.

No, this is an MBT that had put everything it it’s shell.
You simply can’t classify it as anything else.

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Well written. It’s the same like with casemates play style, if you found yourself flanked is only your skill issue because first you can’t really rely on team and second you placed yourself in a bad spot. The with 292, if you brawl with it, you can found urself in a bad spot. It’s a sniper and should be played like this, should be higher just because of immense firepower it brings to the battlefield. 1st gen thermal is just a gimmick, try to use it on maps that have many bushes, you will switch it off anyway

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Thank you 😊

Found zero issues in going on flank with pretty stock vehicles without thermals Vs spaded vehicles and found zero issues to kill them first. You need some glasses then of you can see coming enemy at you or just get some knowledge where they just can be

Any thermals is better than no thermals

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Fog exists.

With proper playstyle you can overcome everything.

Fog is a thing.

It literally will, check again.

At 11.0 things will be able to one-tap centre-mass 292 as well, there’s not much difference.

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I never said those vehicles are in a good spot at the moment. Check my comments in threads about removing sniping spots from maps and you’ll see my opinion on those.

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I’ve killed top tier vehicles with cold war ones but that doesn’t mean I did good, it just means I was better than a guy controlling other vehicle.

Something with thermals and better gun handling is bound to see you and fire first, but players behind the screen are an obvious bottleneck.