Object 292 BR

Yes we have tanks with powerfull rounds at this tier such as Wolfpack and now 2S25M but this tank firepower is on another lvl, you can’t just ass a thing thst can shit on every tank in this BR with such powerfull dart. 10.7 and 11.0 is fine BR for it. Maybe we will see ground moving up a bit in near future so it would be perfect place for it


  • M60A3 TTS (9.0)
  • Merkava Mk.2B (9.3)
  • XM-1 (9.3)
  • XM-8 (9.7)
  • M3A3 Bradley (10.0)
  • LAV-AD (10.0)
  • M1128 (10.0)
  • CCVL (10.0)
  • M60AMBT (10.0)
  • M1 (10.3)
  • LOSAT (10.3)
  • M1A1 (11.0)
  • IPM1 (11.0)
  • AGS (11.0)
  • Merkava Mk.3D (11.0)


  • Begleitpanzer 57 (9.3)
  • M48 Super (9.3)
  • Leopard 1A5 (9.3)
  • Leopard 1A1 L/44 (9.3)
  • C2A1 (9.3)
  • Ozelot (9.3)
  • Gepard (9.3)
  • Wiesel 1A2 (9.7)
  • TAM 2C (10.0)
  • Schutzenpanzer PUMA (10.0)
  • Vilkas (10.3)
  • Leopard 2A4 (10.3)

Great Britain

  • Rooikat MTTD (9.0)
  • Olifant Mk.2 (9.0)
  • Rooikat 105 (9.3)
  • TTD (10.0)
  • Challenger Mk.2 (10.0)
  • Challenger DS (10.0)
  • Bhishma TWMP (10.3)
  • Vickers Mk.7 (10.3)
  • Challenger Mk.2 (10.3)
  • Stormer HVM (10.3)


  • Type 89 (9.0)
  • Type 16-P (9.3)
  • Type 93 (9.3)
  • Type 16 (9.7)
  • TKX-P (11.0)
  • Type-90 (11.0)
  • Type-90B (11.0)


  • M60A3 TTS (9.0)
  • WMA301 (9.0)
  • PTL02 (9.0)
  • AFT09 (9.0)
  • CM11 (9.3)
  • ZTZ-96A (9.3)

My fingers hurt, that’s only half of china and you get the point with the other remaining 4.5 nations.

10s reload, 18 rounds of ammo, exposed ammo racks, hull that can be penned by 8.3-8.7 munitions, no smoke grenades, no thermals, worse mobility than other T-80s, horrible gun traverse / elevation, so on. The list of downsides to this tank is immense, and quite literally the only thing it has going for it is a LR and a good round.


Well, compared to 2S25M the Object 292 has worse gun handling, no thermals for either gunner or commander, no smoke, worse maneuverability, and of course worse gun depression.
Stryker has the crewless gun of course.

Object 292 does have armor and more penetration, which is why I say it should be closer to 10.7.
It’s not like America’s CATTB that has even more armor than M1A2 SEP2, gunner’s thermals, 64 smoke launchers, and of course the speed & gun handling of the Abrams.


This is KE protection against 3BM42.

You’re joking, right? It can be penned by 120mm DM13, even 76/62 apfsds. An OTO or a Rooikat can pen this thing from the front.

What? 30+ ammo, 18 ready in carrousel + weird autoloader with only projectiles in carrousel, propellants being stored behind layer of armour in turret bustle( blow out pannel?)
I don’t know that 50/50/50 layer of RHA can be penetrated by 8.7 APDS or early steel APFSDS.
On 10.0 are tanks that have slightly better armour but with same weakspots, worse gun and worse mobility and like every early russian tank, horrible gun handling

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Bro… the br system is not exsist xD

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10.7, or 11.0 if we see better 11.7s moved up to some new higher top BR.


I don’t see a reason why T-72B (1989) should be considered as an undertiered vehicle.

TURMS and T-90A are undertiered.
Facepalm moment.

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Agreed. Lots of people seem to want new vehicles to always be the lowest BR they aren’t completely broken and have some disadvantage. This only creates a powercreep that hurts everyone and makes for a great deal of compression as older vehicles become obsolete at their own, balanced BR and are forced down to match newer, equally capable vehicles added at lower BRs.

I personally believe each vehicle should be the highest BR where it will still be effective, this prevents powercreep and encourages decompression. It does mean new additions won’t always be great for their BR which will piss off a lot of players (especially those who only main a single nation and want it to be OP), but it will mean each new vehicle is balanced appropriately and vehicles remain effective over time.


M1A1’s only disadvantage when compared to 292 is worse shell. Why would that be enough for those two vehicles to share the same BR ?

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while I certainly wouldn’t call this thing’s armor un-pennable or something or anything this is it’s protection by 120DM23. You can pen it in it’s specific weakspots, which is not notable at all.

Then the 2a4 which is pretty well armored for 10.3 against 3BM42


It’s got decent protection for the tier and can even resist 120mm DM33 depending at range/angle. If “having weakspots” means things aren’t protected then neither are the 2a7V, the M1A2 and the T80BVM lol


Yeah I’m inclined to call it a 10.7 vehicle, then see where it lands, I think 10.0 is too low to start with. 10.3 is probably a fine place to start tho

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Same as 3S38 can pen every MBT from the front. Having weakspots same as every tank is just a thing, you shooting constantly at gun breeches LFPs, turrets neck etc. Imagine having M1 Or Leo2A4 and be well all around armoured vehicle with ability to stop poor placed 3bm42 in turret cheeks or LFP and then whole army of 700mmish slinging APFSDS happen with shots so fast that you can’t even imagine to dodge cross map that can penetrate and propably kill you on one shot anywhere. Pretty balanced and fun right?
It’s so funny that people calling this PoS tank balanced on 10.0 would only play USSR after 18th of Feb or just cry how unbalanced this tank is.

yes. a tank without dynamic protection, a thermal imager, turret drives, normal speed, etc must be at 11.7.

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Because it lolpens the M1A1 and every other vehicle in-game?
The M4A4’s “only” disadvantage over the Sherman VC is it’s worse shell, so clearly they’re equivalent!

It’s more that it’s Ariete vs 2A4.

That’s not enough to warrant the same BR placement considering it lacks in mobility, reload speed, gun handling, thermals, smokes, gun depression and survivability (at 11.0).
M1A1 is obviously a much better package than 292.

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Those things are what warrants this to not be 11.7.
And of course the M1A1 is better in many ways than the 292, it’s a frontline vehicle while the 292 is an insane sniper.
You don’t get to have a vehicle built to destroy anything it sees from range and then complain that it doesn’t brawl well and demand an exceptionally low BR.
If that’s the case then the Nashorn needs to be 2.0 ASAP!

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Everything you mentioned can be just margin with proper play style, stay behind and snipe. Of you see your tank doesn’t have good gun handling you don’t go full speed into the city, same with depression and hills. Same goes with 10sec reload and no thermals, I don’t want event tanks that are overpowered and can disrupt broken balance on this BR more. Event tanks should be situational, yet with a gimmick that makes them worth grinding, that is 152mm gun, 7kg dart going 2km/s and the best penetration in the game, and dart that can see proper tanks, 11.0 and higher.

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