Object 292 BR

It has a bad reverse speed…
And its mobility is mid, middle, average.
Average reverse speed would be 18kph, not 11.

Its round is to 10.0 - 10.7 what Object 120’s is to 8.0.

Those are the only critiques I have about your post.

10.7 is my preference for the 292.

I agree i think its a tad too low

10.7 they are already to be warm welcome by 2A7V and 122 already lol but fair enough for that 10.7


I mean, DM53 [2A7V] easily pens T-80U hull without the ERA, so all’s well there.

thats not hardcore WT has alot of potential it hasnt met

WOT battlefield and COD exist you can play those

this isnt the same fun unique and new experience as it once was its become run of the mill copy n paste CQC action

yeah truly big maps wont work well if the main objective just pulls everyone into the middle every game via current game modes

thats handing out dopamine hits for some and others it not fun or new

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ill be honest its not a hard tank to kill i actually like it has some defense as a challenge but my 11.0 stance is out of spite of the fact they want proof the abrams is this and that but give russians tanks things they never had like thermals etc i guess ill vote 10.7 too then

thats bias and inconsistent

Well the thing with thermals is T-80B would be 10.0 instead, which 10.0 Soviet enjoyers would support.
T-80U[K] version 1 retains its thermals or moves to where UM2 is.
And the Swedish T-80U[K] version 1 goes to 10.7 or even 10.3.
So yeah…
I understand the upset that proving the hull void of M1A2 was filled with armor or not cause 380mm of protection is hard for us game players even if IRL tankers weren’t impacted nearly as much by it.

Me? no i hate it to the core but gonna admit one thing from it that it made droping GBU and get multi kill easier since i know where to look at and see enemy tanks packing together like canned sardines.

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thats another issue if you play long enough you know what to do and where to go already

im not saying it would stop KE munitions i just know its not a mere 400mm on the front lower hull for the sep v2 against KE

not to mention (only at somewhat leveled ground) the thin upper plate was specifically designed to try and ricochet apdsfs (82.5 degrees) rather than stop it which its kinda the case from what im seeing in the game but it too is kinda off but not as bad as the lower hull

I believe you, but we don’t know if this void is filled or not cause it requires cutting up a SEP2 or getting an unclassified document detailing any changes.
Especially since it’s now confirmed any DU installations for hull would’ve been with SEP3 [one of the potential reasons SEP3 gained 2+ tons].

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yeah the thickness alone is already defaulted to 550mm+ how do they arrive to it only being 400mm? not to mention theres still other classified materials in the armor not just DU and ceramics

even without DU armor in the hull it still too weak for top tier standard sure there a lot of tanks that even weaker

It’s Motorola dude. There is no point arguing with them over anything, especially when it comes to OP russian vehicles.


Confirmed where?

Having 3s+ longer reload than MBTs at around it’s BR is not just slightly.
That massive penetration won’t even be needed in plenty of cases and you’d be better off with a 3BM42 and 7.1s reload. You guys are losing your minds over a literal nothingburger of a tank lol.

Sorry but there’s like a dozen different posters in this thread and you comments are by far the most hilarious.

Type 10 APFSDS should also have an anti-ERA tip IIRC.

All of my points regarding 292’s cons are perfectly valid, meanwhile your friend there is taking stock reload (no crew bonuses) of a 9.0 tank as an argument of how 10.0s reload isn’t a massive issue to any ~10.0 tank.

I can discuss things with both of you, but firstly you need to present some points that aren’t completely silly in the first place.