Object 292 BR

Thank you

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You forgot to toast with vodka when orders have finally on right hands, who may give that order to execute command.


I’m guessing something something clerical issues :D

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Idk if you’re on about more generally, but HE with 920m/s is generally considered very good
The only thing that comes to mind that’s comparable is the OE F3 round on the VIDAR, which is 935m/s

So no the Velocity is quite good, leading isn’t a problem in that sense

Oh come on
It’s not as if Russian tank carousel ranks are known to randomly not explode

Also it’s worth noting there’s a 30mm RHA plate between the rear of the crew compartment and the Charge stowage. Which, funnily enough, catches a lot of spall



man you have no idea how many shots that fuel tank at the front has conveniently caught



No, I’m trying to counter the “but it’s OP” argument - it’s not OP. The round’s flat pen might be OP. But it’s so situational that to do well in it you’re relegating yourself to a playstyle that involves way more sneaking and being a sweatlord than most people are willing to go for.

Yes? Did I say otherwise?

Maybe read through an entire post before flying off and reacting…

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About as many as the fuel tanks on my Strf 9040’s I’d say.

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how does the near 200mm armor (31.75 becomes roughly 45mm in front and same with the 101mm back plate becoming about 150-160mm) plus 360mm of nera in the middle come out to only 398-405mm of KE protection

what is basic math alone?

It doesn’t quite catch them, just mitigates the spall.

You forgot that they have to give a sacramental ceremony to the orders, the tank, and the shell.


not to mention still classified materials (not thermal paint etc) thats still classified due to it not being decommissioned

truth is they added a tank that doesnt have much alluding to whats exactly inside no reverse engineering nor declassified material (plus its US govt property they downplay as much as possible too)

so theres also that

Oh no, they quit making sacramental ceremonies on shells, when autoloaders came. Now they use that time on finding reverse gear. :D


Ah, sorry, I forgot.

They must do the ceremony on the autoloader, which means the tank needs to retreat to cover and an ARV, remove the turret, detach the autoloader, put it back in, reattach systems, then reengage the enemy.

Then you need new orders to aim at the enemy, as you took too long.


anyway ill just leave this is about the 292 and i throw my hat in and say 11.0

and we need bigger maps etc the COD and WOT players have their own games

For HE.
Everyone else is firing ammunition that’s approximately 180% it’s velocity.

This is why I went and recorded several matches and then compiled each and every shot taken against a Soviet/Russian vehicle, just to test the survivability when facing these machines.

  • Around 74% of shots fired are against side armor (people overrate front armor on Reddit and this Forum).
  • 73% of shots are one-hit-kills.

Going from memory, the angle of the lower glacis is 41 degrees.
That equates to 177.1mm when taking the outer plate and the backing plate at their total LoS thickness.

Furthermore, the armor is based off of several U.S. source documents, detailed here: Gaijin and modern NATO armor - #187 by Necrons31467

Yes, and more Vodka.
Until we are in that point, that empty bottles of vodka is blocking reverse gear, and there are no such thing as ghost shells, they are just empty vodka bottles , so they disappear after leaving barrel. Now we even solved that mystery also. Conclusion, 292 is fine where it is, and every German/American/Sweden mains shoots soviet tanks only in flat 0degree angle on UFP.
Now, where’s Vodka.


No, we dont.
Big maps gameplay just straight up sucks (New Sinai or bigger variation of that another desert map with village near the shore)

Alcohol rack, we drink!

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because you assume it would just be the same 3 or 1 cap points there needs to be complete rework of the game modes

currently they all pretty much funnel you into a cqc outcome

mind you this is for about 7.7br and higher for lower brs they are fine they usually have to get close to pen (ww2 tanks) so no need to separate them by miles

this would stop campers improve CAS allow more immersion into the beautiful maps no more of driving distracted and end up in the enemy spawn within 2 mins or less

the maps are so small for 7.7br and higher range finders are useless and laser one if you have the warning system gets that user killed