Object 292 BR

anyway this shouldnt be a toxic brawl back n forth the biggest problems top tiers suffer is its small maps and the same game modes that make even fields of poland funnel into to a 10 foot COD style match

again if they are gonna make up numbers for the abrams make 292 11.0

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Yes but the speed isn’t the main one

Sorry, were none of these tanks able to kill the '292 in return?
Now think about the T-72B '1989… It can pen the same vehicles, yet it gets MUCH more armor.

The Leopard 2 is mobile, has decent survivability, a 20mm autocannon… So on. It is not a '292, it does not have a 152mm.

That’s what you get with a stopgap prototype.

only worrying about this because we are always in eachothers faces every match

so these tin cans with highpowered rifles turn into a pure see first shoot first kill first gameplay

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ah yes on the breach lfp and turret roof oh and driver Viewport xD
balances it out that the obj can pen it ANYWHERE while also being more mobile except for reverse gear xD

My panzer 2h could pen the obj292 from the side but doesn’t mean it would be fair ;)

just lovely

except you dont need to repair if someone with more then 2 braincells can do smt besides hitting your breach and you are back to the spawn window :)

imagine a reworked breakthrough game mode but on a map like this we see in customs

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‘‘Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.’’

If you asked me about the armor of various M1 models, I’d be able to back up my claims using many different non-classified sources.

Getting used to a drawback doesn’t magically make it disappear.

A P-40F climbs abysmally, getting used to that fact won’t prevent you from being out-climbed consistently. The reload rate is a major concern whenever you’re engaged by multiple opponents, this isn’t something you can control fully either.

Furthermore, adjusting your playstyle to account for the reload rate inherently means you’re limited yourself because of the vehicle’s disability, something which you wouldn’t have done with a vehicle that’s got a good reload rate.

Let’s go to an M1 thread and share, then, I’d love to see that.

and a worse reverse gear and a consistent reload rate of 7.1 seconds something other tanks get a good crew or expert crew
meanwhile im used to the what feels like 10 sec reload in my leopard 2av that sits on 10.0 with 2 crew members :)


sounds like a way to get info about others military kinda fair theres captured t72s sitting in museums what we found out is russia is where the US would be if they stopped updating tech for 50 years

so i do see the reason for gameplay for the abrams to be nerfed

As cool as that would be, it would be cheaters paradise and people would typically complain about having to drive and not being like cod.

Yes, so where’s the issue? The '292 gets less armor and a far worse reload in return for a big gun and better maneuverability.
This is exactly how late '80s WP tanks are.

With a fresh crew you still reload 2+ seconds faster, with a high level crew you have almost double the reload rate.
As for your loader dying… Get the Leo T14 if you don’t like it. You get a larger gun with a faster reload, and now have a 2.5x faster reload than the '292.

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BTW while all of you use that armor analysis, I’ve been wondering one slight thing in any(all) topic related to armors, or can it pen this and that.
When is the last time you actually shot any tank from direct 0 angle.
I’ve only 500 some days in this game, and I cant actually recall, pure Zero angle/elevation on enemy tank, they usually tend to be either lower, or higher than my cannon barrel? Usually, my gun barrel is allready higher than enemy front plate, even if I’m facing it on straight road… :D Doesnt seem much, but even few degrees effects quite lot on effective armor on all tanks. Or am I completely wrong in here?

dont play it then, jesus.
maybe ask gaijin for it to be better than every other vehicle at every single aspect.

Do people not like variety or something?

So. I just got the 292 because apparently I managed to get 8 stars together not trying very hard, and all I can say is that it’s a mediocre vehicle in my opinion. Yes, the penetration is hilariously good and can pen just about anything anywhere anytime - but here’s the weaknesses as far as I’m concerned:

  • Reload time kicks your ass if you kill someone and they had a buddy, coupled with…
  • Abysmal reverse speed (like any other Russian tank at that BR) which causes…
  • Your non-ERA’d ass to get clapped in the ammo real easy.

Coupled with:

  • Gun handling? It’s like whenever you want to elevate the barrel, or rotate the turret, first a committee meeting has to be organised, minutes of meeting need to be looked at, a decision needs to be reached, orders written in triplicate, sent, lost, sent again, lost again, then finally excavated from an archive and executed poorly.
  • Mobility wise it’s a T-80. Nothing to write home about.

It is, just like most other 152mm vehicles, a troll/future meme machine. There is nothing special about it except a 152mm gun that shoots a lolpen dart and lolHE once every 10 seconds. You take the gun away? You die easy. Or you just get ammoracked through the LFP. Or you end up losing all your crew.

Anyone who’s going “~BuT iT’s OvErPoWerEd~” needs to probably calm down a little. It’s the same story as the 2S38 where everyone was whinging how OP it was, while in fact it’s just a thinly armored IFV that can be killed with very little effort, and all it has going for it is the fact most of it is empty space.

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rly? whats he gona do? wait till i show my hull to get a kill when ive blown his breech away.

and like i sayd, it should be 10.3, the same br as the cr1 mk 3 that has no problem using the l26 against it.

Welcome to the Soviet experience!

And people wonder why it took years for Yezhov to face trial xD


more players allow people to spawn in more and have AI placements to destroy as secondary objectives etc etc

theres games 20 years old like battlefield GTA san andreas etc that know how to fill a game with engaging gameplay

Here’s a post I made that goes into detail: Gaijin and modern NATO armor - #187 by Necrons31467

What does any of that have to do with your claim that the SEP v2 has incorrect protection?

I won’t.

You tend to jump to weird conclusions I gather.

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so same as other russian tanks in many aspects but with a bigger gun.

i mean, yeah. you wanted more? Is it a problem?

At any given br or vehicle, there are other vehicles that do certain things better.