Object 292 BR

Please go back to school, which part of a T-80U/T-80BV with a 152mm sounds good at 10.0? Most people I’ve discussed with online have agreed that this thing should at LEAST be 10.3 and realistically 10.7 but no, this is clearly too high for Russian mains!!!


it has a bloody enormous gun for godsake and it surprises you that it has a slightly longer reload???


If you run 12 miles, it will take you more time than it would if you ran 2 miles - i am mindblown lol

Honestly some of the responses on this thread are HILARIOUS, i am certainly going to be sharing this lol, this community, man lol


i think 10.7 would be taking things too far (at least for now)

they should raise its br to 10.3 and see how things go moving forward.

now heres something you all wont like, gaijin will prolly only change its br in the next br adjustement. i would be very surprised if they change it sooner.

Oh no, yesterday radwagen 90 lolpenned my 292 from front. It has to be moved least to 11.0.
Now, lets be honest. Does that “brake the game on 10.0”
Yes, abysmal loadout times on games in br 10 least yesterday, biggest thing what it broke.
is it 100% instakill apfsd , nope.
Do you need to hit same are as normal darts to kill enemy tank, Yes.
Shoot too far, just engine is out. Just like any other tank in that br. Shoot too close and only driver is goner.
If you miss first shot, are you dead, most likely. Like in any tank.
Biggest thing what that has brought is pure fear factor.
I brought it on my 11 lineup, it did work there also. But when playing there , it was quite rapidly seen these biggest flaws of that tank, gun handling, no thermals, no mg ( so you cant cut weeds) and no smokes.
Fight it like you normally fight enemies worth noting, shoot the barrel , and enjoy the kill , cant say that thing has so small barrel, that is hard to hit.
After 1 week, people are over from that fear factor and finally realising where to shoot that thickboy to kill it or disable it

The Chieftans have a 2.5 second faster reload? Only 0.4 slower than AZ autoloaders and 1 second slower than “fair” MZ autoloaders.

Not even the base reload of the Chieftan is 1.3 seconds faster, it’s 0.3.

“See??!??!! It reloads slower than this slowly-reloading tank!!1! It isn’t that long!11!”

sep v2 doesnt have just 400mm KE protection on the front hull its as strong as the cheeks im not sure about earlier models BUT that one definitely does have stronger armor (excluding any export models)

and that suprises you?
That a tank with a massive gun has a slightly longer reload than other tanks that have a smaller gun? incredible…

anyway this is about 292 i was making a point if they are gonna do that with the abrams then make 292 11.0 then

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No? It doesn’t. What makes you think it does?
It’s a 152mm cannon, it’s not going to be pumping shells out every 2 seconds.

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its not hard to kill its a russian tank

the more glaring problem how many tanks ingame have incorrect armor protection is what im wondering

there we go then.


we can agree that having a slightly longer reload for an enormous gun is legit. …
I dont know what your issue is, your clarifying what i said.

I dont get people here, there are multiple vehicles in the game, all different, yet they get upset that there are differences.

choose a leo over challenger then complain its not like the challenger…

how ? because it would face tanks that could lol pen it from 2km out ?
something that it does to tanks like m1 2a4 chally 1 etc ?

sorry all those ppl defending it are the worst scum.

i mean why not give leopard 2k dm53
cuz no armor and slower reload then the other 120mm armed tanks ?
i wanna see how many tears that would generate
because you know balance
Something this game never had or will have because russia has to look good :)
jep rant post


The hull ammo does not have blow out panels, there is no increased survivability relative to a T-80B with side shots as the entire compartment is filled with ammunition and propellant charges.

Nobody uses HEAT for many reasons, including poor velocity.

The reload rate of a T-80B is already a disadvantage, adding 2.9 seconds ontop of it makes it really problematic.
Nobody is surprised at that, they are merely pointing out the drawback of it.

Please provide sources for your claims.

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i aint trying to go to jail lmao

this is something you get used to
you could say its a “drawback” meanwhile it gets a “bfg” that doesn’t care about armor in that br

Yes, that was exactly what I said to begin with.

You quite literally started that? You replied to a 3 week old comment to simply restate my point that I’ve already made.

Then they get the Leo in multiple other tech trees, then whine and complain about CoPy PaStE vehicles.

At this point, to keep the community happy and in as close to a stable mentality - Gaijin should just make every single vehicle the same but with a different name, because this community cannot handle that there are different vehicles with different capabilities.


i think you need to calm down. can the CR1s pen it also?

e mean what imaginary world are you living in if you think the breech simulator will change because of this tank.

maybe grow a pair instead of whining all the time like the bs i see everyday in my battles. and bare in mind i play with tanks that gaijin had to admit were so broken they had to redo it all over again