Object 292 BR

Sure, but peeking and basically having a guaranteed kill no matter how bad your aim compensates for that. Also I have no 292 because I can’t be arsed to do the event, I’ve just played against them a fair bit in the past day, and I really honestly find them to be not such a big deal as some people make it out to be.

As most of the players who have it don’t know how to use it

The HE round it has is what makes it strong
any where green is a one shot

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Even against players who do know how to use it, I don’t find it OP at all. The Turms feels way more OP at that BR to me. Maybe just skill issue on the side of people who can’t take down a 292?

Right, let’s make sure the KV-2 is also raised in BR. And the German 152mm artillery piece. And any other large caliber HE thing.

Why are you strawmaning this isn’t a M109

im not seeing the M109 have good protection

on the turms the penetration possibility is low but not impossible

so erm, remind me how this thing is 10.0 again?

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hang on does that mean the 4005 goes up to 7.0?

in some ways that’d be better, I could cave in some BMPs more often

Not sure what you are getting at, but the 292 isn’t exactly OP. Is it powerful? Yes. Does it have absolute lolpen? Yes. Does it have a slew of drawbacks? Yes.

Instead of everyone whinging like little bitches about “oh no it’s totally OP” give it some time to let it shake out. Right now it’s to the point everyone is so deadly afraid of the damn thing that they ODL when they see one in a match when all you have to do is use 2 of your braincells and it dies just as easily as anything else, even if the person driving the 292 knows what they’re doing.

I have no 292 myself. I do believe there’s Russian bias. But to call the 292 OP is stretching it a little. Give it a few weeks, then you can bitch up a storm.


I have the 292 i think it need a Br increase
its drawbacks is reload and thats it everything else is the same issues with other T80s

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Just because you can penetrate the entire tank doesn’t mean you’ll always OHK, far from it.

Meanwhile most western tanks at ~10.0 have amazing mobility, gun handling, gun depression and pretty good reloads which is surely there to compensate for their lack of skills, right ?
I can’t believe how a dude with 35k battles is this blind and still doesn’t see pros/cons of different vehicles and how that affects their BR placement.

Which surely didn’t help much with most of the map in WT that you fight in flat city CQC cluster F all of that advantages of western tanks goes out of window only reload might help just a little


Their reload is at 7.7 seconds, which is still 2.3s faster.

It is, especially when you consider tanks at around that BR can have 2x faster reload, at 5 seconds.

Only thing desperate and ridiculous here are your comparisons with stock reload speeds trying so hard to downplay the huge reload difference.

In urban CQC everything I said above is really important with the exception of gun depression. You need good forward/backwards mobility, responsive gun handling and a solid reload speed.
Having 3.1s slower reload when compared to many other ~10 BR vehicles is simply a huge drawback in any knife fight.

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Thats why the HE is better as its a OHKO

Where reload rate, mobility to reach powerpositions, responsiveness and quick reaction times matter most.

All of which the Object 292 and Russian tanks in general at around 10.0 aren’t good at.

HE has many limitations of it’s own, namely the poor muzzle velocity which makes hitting moving targets more difficult, especially as you need to hit specific areas for overpressure to work.

It also is more susceptible to getting Gaijin’d and having the entire shell eaten by a piece of track, skirt, or anything else that sticks out.
Then you’re stuck with a 10 second reload, without the reverse speed to retreat effectively, all whilst opponents with basic weakspot knowledge can OHK you in return with APFSDS.

That is a pretty massive list of drawbacks though:

  • Poor reverse.
  • Poor turret traverse.
  • Low crew count.
  • Unprotected ammunition.
  • Terrible gun elevation speed.
  • Abysmal gun depression.
  • Long reload rate.
  • No thermals.
  • No neutral steering.
  • No ERA.

This is also why the T-80BVM is such a massive improvement, because it fixes many of these drawbacks.


You know the ammo has blow out panels right and half these disadvantages are just every russian tank at that br

the area are the whole turret and UFP
and the velocity of the HE is faster then the HEAT on the T80B