Object 292 BR

It’s not thin armor compared to the other tanks at the BR, just thin compared to tanks in full uptiers.

What are you talking about, the turret is like a light tank. The only part of it that has somewhat good armor is the front plate which is still nothing compared to T-72s, T-80s and T-90s.

It’s definitely too strong for 10.0 after playing against it a few times and seeing what people can do with it. 10.3 or 10.7.


Me when T-80U/T-80BV with 152mm W shoot dead GG) 🤯 🤤 🧠

You do NOT need thermals at 10.0 if you got 2 functional braincells and a working eye, most REALISTIC city maps make facing this thing literal shit.

This thing needs to be 10.3 ( 10.7 at most) at least or is having the best shell in-game a MASSIVE CON!!!

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CV 90105 has it outclassed in just about every aspect, mobility, scouting, and it’s just as lethal.

As far as the 292 goes, what it is good at is being a sneaky bastard in urban settings where it can use it’s point-click-kill to the greatest effect. As soon as you put it in a field, it’s just like any other tank really, and then all it has going for it is the occasionally trolly armor.

How’s that work when you have all the braincells but absolutely shitty vision? :P

Me in my little T-69 II G can use my vision at 10.0 up tiers but other players cant?!?! If you can’t use your eyes and are 100% dependent on thermals then we got a skill issue here don’t we?

lol theres no skill in this game its a turkey shoot or you are the turkey

took no skill to just sit in my cap zone on gamemode battle and wait for them to come in

see first shoot first kill first


also nah the object 292 belongs at 11.0 if they are gonna make up armor value numbers for the abrams armor then this is fair

for the first time in 9 years i now say there is bias (also i dont have a particular favorite tin can so i really dont have a bias/stake in this im tryna have fun with new game ideas such as warthunder lol)


The Obj. 292 is balanced guys!!!

After Gaijin buffed its engine, it should be 10.3 or 10.7, its armor is better than T80B, I don’t think it should have same BR with T72B

Same goes for lolpen rounds.
I guess you can easily aim at pretty big weakspots if you got 2 functional braincells and a working eye.

If you can’t use your eyes and are 100% dependent on lolpen rounds to do your aiming then we got a skill issue here, don’t we ?

I doubt you’re a good vehicle for urban maps considering your reload is 10s long, which is like 2x longer than some tanks you’ll meet at the regular.

yea 10.0 is a little low

Can you explain which of the M1’s have made-up armor that isn’t based off of source material?

And specifically what armor zones this concerns?

you say 10 second reload is long - it has 1.3 seconds longer reload than a chieftan… hardly a long reload is it.

Definitely needs a raise in br

You took a vehicle that has one of the longest reloads at 9.0 (not 10.0) and it still handily beats 292’s reload time.
Good job shutting yourself down buddy.

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ok i mentioned wrong vick, tam2 at 10 has 8.7 (1.3 seconds less than 292) leo 2k has 8.7 seconds, maybe submit a bug report and call it unplayable due to an excessively long reload. . . . . . 10 seconds is not a long reload - especially when you consider it has 700mm of pen…

You always get people here complaining that their OP vehicles are not OP and justify with stuff like “it goes half a kilometre slower than other vehicles - therefore it is really bad, it has a 1 second slower turret rotation, it has 1 horsepower less” just ridiculous and desperate defence.