Object 292 BR

Yall are whining for nothing. Its just like a tank destroyer in 5.0, massive gun with thin armor, just don’t get shot by it. Plus right now no one knows how to play them so its just easy kills.

It is a well armored cannon.What you are talking about is a turretless gun without armor.This thing is a armored one shotter.Have you played against and with it?I have played with it and against it.It is too OP for its BR.Think when you are playing leopard2A4 then it pens you from tuuret checks which is not possible for every tank except this OP russian bias vehicle.Are you a russian main?Because even myself as a player who plays russian is too OP for its BR and for opposing team it is not fair. Look at its armour .Please go test drive and make an armor test for leopard2a4 and m1a1 ,other NATO MBTs .It is not possible to say 'just don’t get shot '.Plus I have seen everybody who played it ,everybody even players who don’t know the weakspots was doing well because they do not need to know those because it is just point and click and enemy is dead and you can’t say that no one knows how to play.Also i think this tank shouldn’t have been added but they added ,i think it broke balance it


They did. And I think it’s fine where it’s at. Yes, it can lolpen just about anything. But it has a shitty reload, and I have absolutely no problem having my way with it when I encounter one, even in a Strf 9040B which hasn’t got the best penning rounds by a long shot at that BR.

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I kill like 3 - 5 every match

I can pen a leopard from the front cheek plate with most of my vehicles in that BR.

I’m a Italian main.

Really? cause most of the players using have the worst situational awareness ever (That goes for most Russian players) and from what I have seen they mostly get 2 - 3 kills a game then die and leave.


Problem comes from when you are against this you have to aim for weakspot.Until you aim for weakspot and shoot,you will be already dead becuase of this thing.Because this thing does not have to aim.

No, it has. Just try it on test field and shoot tanks there. Just “pointing at target” without any aiming will lead to many badly placed shots (and it will be resulted in death)


I didn’t know aiming for weak spots was that hard. Plus the weak spots on the Object 292 are pretty large.

You can not pen leopard turret check with any vehicle test it with 10.3 br tank
If you are saying sight cheek,i am not talking about that.What i am talking about is fully armored check.It can not be penned at10.3 BR

Give me a second, let me get you the list of vehicles that can pen it.

I tried M1,T72AV and ztz96 challenger mk 2 ariete p strv121 cv90105 none of them can pen

I am not saying aiming is hard What i am saying is that it can shoot anywhere and kill you but you have to shoot specific spot

It’s armor at 11.0 (where you want it to be) would be useless.

You’ll still aim for the same parts in order to kill multiple crew or ammo.

Why in the hell did you list clearly subpar reverse speed as it’s pro lol ?

You forgot to add the godawful 10s reload, poor gun handling and gun depression.
Also, commander cannot operate the main gun and first stage ammo stowage is really exposed.

You surely performed very poorly (similar to your account average) in that ridiculously OP vehicle, how’s that possible ?

M900 and KE-W can.
It took me a literal second to disprove your claim.

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I think 11.0 would be a bit high considering its reload and lack of thermals and smoke grenades.

10.3/10.7 would work better.

Yeah they can but m1128 can kill easily and KE-W is used by m1a1 aim and m60 ambt and m60 does not have armour and look at m1a1 aims br

Your OP dart can fail to kill hull down M1128 so saying that vehicle is easy to kill is not correct.
M60 AMBT has great thermals, decent reload and a powerful round in KE-W, which should be enough to outsnipe Object 292 any day of the week.
You have Chinese 10.7 MBT with a dart that’s strong enough to go through 2A4’s cheeks.

Also, you failed to answer many of my questions, why is that ?

I am looking one by one and for your first question it is a little bit glass cannon but it can pen anything from 11 br from front





Great Britain








At this point, when both parties can lolpen each other the most important part is the ability to see and put the gun on the enemy vehicle first, aka. thermals, mobility, gun handling, depression, etc.
In most of those things 292 is being easily beaten by other vehicles at that BR.

That’s why you play it smart and wait for it to shoot at something else. Or, you know, shoot it in the barrel. Can’t shoot if it has nothing to shoot with.

Yes, it may be a point-and-click easy kill farmer, but it’s a complete glass cannon that is easily countered if you stop for a few seconds to think about it.

The problem with 292 is it’s 10s reload because it will limit vehicle’s possible playstyles.
It looks like a sniping vehicle but with no thermals and godawful gun depression it’s quite lacking even in that department. Having by far the slowest reload at that BR is also a big detriment to any playstyle, sniping included.

I think I would take CV 90105 over that thing any day of the week.