Object 292 BR

that’s with like every tank with charges in the turret, it’s not special nor is it a frontal weakspot.

Lol, Russia has been more dominant in the past four years than Germany and the US combined, to quote myself when this was mentioned in the Exaltation thread:


i wonder that how many shells which the T-80U’s basic armor can defend against? at 10.0 BR the pen value of M900 of M1128 is almost equivalent to 3BM46 in T-80U

I think that you may have possibly mixed up under tiered and over tiered


The object 292 will be alright at 10.0.
It won’t be busted, just will be like playing against any other soviet tanks, same weakspots. It gets in the BR with some significant weaknesses for this BR. Especially the lack of thermals and the awful reload.

More armor than the T-80B*
Object 292 uses the T-80BV hull armor array, that’s equivalent to 517mm instead of the T-80B’s 432mm glacis array.

The turret is most certainly not of the T-80U.

Saying it twice doesn’t make it true I’m afraid.


The armor modelling of the M1’s is largely correct, but I suspect the other person wasn’t referring to the M1, instead the Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A5, 2A6, 2A7V and Strv 121 and 122 series are all missing varying degrees of armor.

This might change because there’s a bug report that’s been accepted that says the Object 292 uses the GTD-1250 engine.

I see you’re using my chart, you should be careful with that though because NATO absolutely stomped Russia for years before this.
I wouldn’t say that Russia has had more time dominating at top-tier thank Germany or USA have when taking into account the entire history of ground forces.


Undertiered means it’s lower than it should be, and overtired means it’s at a higher BR than it should be

This will make it on par with T-80U in terms of mobility, so definitely not a 10.0 material. Just no. T-80U is going constant 70kph on road and it’s just fast. Lack of thermals and longer reload is not enough to down it’s BR to 10.0. still 10.7/11.0 is reasonable.


2A4 has the same HP/t (27.2) as T-80U and it’s at 10.3, not 11.0.
Having great mobility at ~10.0 isn’t strange.

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This is why 2A4 is a whole BR bracket below T-80U, you know that, right ?

How do you know this ?
You’re performing literally the same in obscenely undertiered vehicles as in other, decently placed ones.


Neither does the Object 292 though.

Which comes with the downside of having the absolute worst reload at high tier.

I try not to comment on vehicles I don’t have any experience playing, but this 292 seems like a decent 10.3 - 10.7 vehicle, it’s massive penetration doesn’t make much of a difference given that 3BM-42 also doesn’t struggle to deal with it’s opposition.

The lack of thermals, the terrible turret traverse, gun depression and poor survivability aren’t anything new to Soviet MBTs, but at least the Object 292 has some decent armour to warrant a BR increase over the T-80B regardless.


You’re justifying this? On the armor test it shows the 3bm42 having the same protection as T72 and T80, only the 3bm60 or equivalent can reliably penetrate other areas

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Justifying what?

And propably mobility would be increased because someone reported it has 1250HP turbine from T-80U, so mobility would be on par to T-80U, insane. With better engine it’s 10.7 material minimum. 10.7 is playings downtiers most of the times but it would have a chance to face top tier with this shell

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this is a FOMO artificial scarcity at a br where there is already very strong premium lineup, which are spammed in the millions. 9.7 - 9.0 never has and never will have matchmaker that isnt 110% full uptier.

this vehicle needs to be a novelty at a br where it wont annihilate this game, like most event vehicles should be. binned power fantasy mbt facing m60’s. hilarious lol.

you can bring this comfortably to a 11.7 lineup, the only requirements being: read aloud and admit “russian vehicles do not need 10000mm frontal plates and turrets at every single br at all times, there are other nations in this game who do not have any armor and so my playstyle may have to be adjusted.” and preferably have at least a 27" 1440p monitor if the thermals are such a big problem. infantry sized maps are the normal in this game anyway.


still agree 10.3 for this thing after playing it
too good for 10.0, but it will be way over for 10.7

Object 292 should be at least 11.0 br
+++Even without ERA,it has good armour(around its BR,it can be penetrated only specific places all the while object 292 can shoot you anywhere to kill you)
++++Ridiciliously powerful cannon and ammo(it can pen leopard2a4 turret cheeks and M1A1HC DU turret cheeks and kill them with ease no matter where it shoots)(Point and click)
++Decent reverse speed(it can get out of some situations)
++Decent mobility
–No thermals
- No machine gun and smoke bombs
I put extra ‘+’ and ‘-’ to show its strengths and weaknesses goodness and weakness.For example, ‘++++’ means OP.My problem with object 292’s br is when you are in a leopard 2a4 or other vehicles ,you have to shoot specific place lower plate all the while it can shoot you anywhere to kill you even if it shoots you at turret cheeks.


11.0 might be excessive given the tanks that are there. But it definitely feels like a 10.7 meme machine.

If it becomes 10.7 it can be downtiered and it will be devastating for opposing team