Object 292 BR

It’s a T-72 with gen 2 gunner / commander thermals at 10.0
What is “undertiered” about it?

It’s a mobile SPAAG that can destroy MBTs frontally, as well as engage helicopters from 6km out. It has a crewless turret, as well as LWS.
What is “undertiered” about it?

T-90A… Undertiered… Right. It gets 3BM60, insane armor for its BR, gen 2 thermals, as well as IRCM.
What is “undertiered” about it?

Again, gen 2 thermals, 3BM60. Next please?

Are you gonna stop spamming undertiered yet?

I love how you call a T-72A at 10.3 “balanced”

I quite literally typed out a list of every nation’s thermal-bearing vehicles.

The base Ariete with thermals is 10.3. It’s has a similar engine, as well as 4x better reverse and a comparable forward speed.
That alone puts it above the '292.

less chance of an ammo explosion^^

My man, you have a 1.1 KD and seem to main Germany and America… You’re seemingly incapable of getting a 2.0 on anything, even the Tiger II H and Panther A taken into account.

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He didn’t say that TURMS should move to 10.7 when the compression happens, rather implied it should be done in the current state of the game.
It’s obvious BR decompression needs to happen, but it will still leave many tanks in the same relative position to the current contemporaries.

I’ve went through both 80U and SEP and I feel like the latter is a better tank overall.
Yes, it has worse forwards mobility and hull armor, but that’s more than compensated for with better reload, gun handling, thermals, etc.


sure, IF gaijin implements SDCB, which they wont, cuz russia doesnt have them.

Granted russian vehicles already have a lower detonation chance so maybe theres hope lmao

All 2 piece ammo does?

Tell me how do you know Russian players are somehow worse than players of other nations ?

Your shot can miss the ammo or simply phase through it, then you’re left with only the loader killed and his gun is still operational.
You can take your chances but it’s far from being a secure kill, which is why people want to disable the enemy first if they have doubts about OHK’ing it with a single shot.

No, that means I want balance.
Balance can’t be had with tanks that can be lolpenned in the same way as their contemporaries, while having several other disadvantages to their name.

been playing the game for 11 ish years m8, most of which i was much younger, and therefore worse at games, no wonder a bunch of my stats are poor, not all of us are 40y/o neckbeards in their parents basement

Ive also already admitted to not being the best ground player out there so idk what the point of taking a second swing at my stats is xD

i do wonder why nobody compares it to the leopard 2av which is 10.0 has worse armor worse shell and with 2 crew member probably worse reload, yet? its hilarious that people demand it should stay on 10.0 so there wallet warrior line up will become the " I win games" button

if you complain about a 10 sec reload that won’t change with a dead crew member im sorry it’s a you problem

Also there is a huge difference between aiming for weakspots ( that most tank will have to do vs 292) and just aiming in the general direction (and if you have 2-3 brain cells and just shoot where the most crew is there are dead… Just saying)

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10 years, since late '14.
I’ve been playing since '13 and am not using account age as an excuse… Hell, my stats aren’t complete garbage.


Top tier gameplay is very suited to younger audience with crispy reaction times and whatnot.
40 year old neckbeards should actually be worse off all things considered.

In order to have 2 crew in 2AV you need to lose 2 crew, can you guess what happens when you lose 2 crew members in a 292 ?

Yeah, reload is pretty crap no matter what happens to you, guess that’s an advantage lol.

This still requires aiming, so shooting at the spot where most of crew are situated is no different from shooting at a weakspot.


Yeah, the CATTB would be at a very high battle rating, I myself did a bunch of research on it, still doing so as well. I put together a post talking about the different Cold War large bore vehicles we could see


Yes in needs indeed, but like 5degree arc from the front and you can OHK 3 crewmembers lined up. And here comes ability to penetrate Abrams LFP reliably, penetrate angled tanks reliably and so on. With Mango is not that easy to penetrate LFP, fuel tank and then to have a enough spalling to kill the rest of the crew. With LP83 shell it would pierce whole tank with ease. So aiming at general direction is still true when your enemy still need to aim for general soviet weakspots so it could be advantage over a guy that swings the turret and want to shoot at 292 asap. Found myself sometimes in that situation Vs any T tank.

Where? At what BR range ?


For 3 months, definitely ignored fact that BVM has around 70% winrate since release, dropped now because western nations got good vehicles.

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That only top tier, what about the rest of BR range ?

Dunno if it ever occurred to anyone but T tanks are actual bad in WT even the BVM and Russian teams were easily carried by their top tier CAS

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Yet USSR WR and US are horrible, but GER and SWE are really good. So maybe not everyone received good MBT and maybe not only sole vehicles have impact on WR

June of 2023:


The W/L Ratios fluctuate pretty hard on a half a year basis usually (apart from TURMS’s BR range). The ones that stayed mostly consistent for Russia were those at the highest level, the only time said BR range dipped below 60% avg was when NATO received jets with LGBU’s back in December of 2k22, but that was very quickly remiedied with the addition of the Pantsir which boosted Russia top-tier WR back to ~70% in about about a month post patch.

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Still, you need to know where those crew members are lining up and aim there. Just pressing the button randomly and expecting things to go boom just because you can penetrate them is a foolish thing to do.

What do you mean by this ?
Angling your tank in higher tiers is a massive no-no.

Both of you are still using your brain power to aim at a specific place, you’re lining up his crew and he’s going for your weakspot as well.