Object 292 BR

i try to compare length:




new 152mm






Notice that the shrapnel cone of the new projectile is at its worst

Just another example of Russian Bias…

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dawg what?


I mean if you actually test it against comparable rounds (in this case I looked at DM23 and M774) it does

M774 and DM23 cannot make it through either cheek on either vehicle, DM 23, neither are penned reliably by DM33 in the hull, but the T72B89 has it’s “neck” which even lower tier rounds can get through

the 89 has better armor on a full uptier as it’s more likely to survive M829A1 (which is frankly an insane round at it’s tier anyway), and the upper cheeks of the 292 are pennable by 120 DM33, but against on tier rounds (I.E. DM23, M774, 105DM33) the 292 actually has better overall survivability. The only on tier vehicles that I’m aware that can reliably pen the 292s cheeks are the Ariete P and the ZTZ96, and I think we can agree both of those vehicles have some pretty mitigating circumstances that allow them to have that pen, nor are the most common vehicles seen (that’s the swarm of braindead 2a4 premiums). It’s a very small advantage admittedly, but just more showing my point about the 292 not having bad armor. And that arguing “it can get penned by 76mm darts” is silly because so can literally every other MBT on tier.

Yeah bustle rack with no blowouts is definitly an issue for the vehicle, tho it does a least have a firewall making it less likely to happen. Still that’s only notable for rounds that can pen the cheeks and overpen into the firewall but that’s not a huge number of vehicles on tier, at least for MBTs

ATGM carriers on the other hand are a different matter, TOW-2s absolutely evicerate this thing, and this is just the regular tow2 not even tow2A! even I-tow can get through the hull, albeit unreliably

Yeah turret armory is nice on the cheeks but the roof is exposed it’s big and you can hit the ammo in turret bustle

yeah that big commander coupla seems a good target, espically for ATGMs where they might even overpressure. Very M60 vibes from it lol

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I do agree with your point over all, it doesn’t have as bad armor as a lot of people are saying it has, but I wouldn’t say it’s good overall, mostly just passable, the size and existence of weakspots that are similar to basically all other russian mbt’s basically make russian vehicles unable to have ‘good’ armor in my opinion.

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perrrsonally I disagree but fair enough honestly my overall point is mostly it doesn’t have notably worse armor than any other 10.0 russian tank against 10.0s cx

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the cupola is large but if you look at it in armor mode it might be harder to overpressure than it seems, it’s got the 10 mm plates on top of the actual cupola which is 45 mm thick, so aphe could kill through there but I wouldn’t say HE would do much to be honest.

yeah, I suppose it’s armor is effectively the same as a T72A but with a few add on plates and at 10.0

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By that argument, almost, if not all tanks in-game have bad armor. Russian MBT’s have notably better armor than their NATO equivalents at almost all, if not all BR’s. At higher BR’s mostly because of gaijins refusal to model western armor correctly.

I’m sorry but I strongly disagree with your claim

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You can disagree with my claim all you want, russian MBT’s have almost always lowest level of frontal weakspots in the entire game when compared to contemporary vehicles of equivalent BR.

not anymore really, 2A7V and 122s with increased frontal hull protection make them in my opinion the strongest frontal armored mbt’s in the game, and yes maybe by my claim all tanks have bad frontal armor then, but still russian tanks have lower survivability than nato equivalents br for br.

I don’t know I mostly play t72s and when it comes to t72s the statement is incorrect

Except, the 2A7V’s frontal armor is pretty much garbage atm due to gaijins illogical and idiotic mismodelling, and the upper hull bug and turret armor holes.

2A5 vs 2A7 frontal protection


The strv122’s i can agree, but theyre ALSO underarmored compared to gaijins own sources, and are the exception to the rule (hence the “almost” in my statement.

so despite the fact that the shell’s with the best chance of penning both those tanks upper hulls being mostly the german DM53 and american M829A2 shells, and still only sometimes penning, or getting a lucky lol pen, it’s armor is bad? 3bm60 is the third worst penning top tier shell in the game and it’s only 5 mm better penning than the actual worst, russian guns against said mbt’s have to aim far more carefully because the upper hull is an off limits place to shoot unless, yknow, lol pen and you get lucky. I think bringing up bugs shouldn’t be done because I’ve had times where my ERA doesn’t do anything to stop a shell through my T90Ms UFP before, so the russian ERA is bad since it ‘can’ bug to not work right?

and yes overall the 2a5 is more pennable over the front than russian mbts but due to how compact the russian vehicles are it usually if not dies in one shot will be completely crippled in one shot (ignoring bugs which is obvious) where as german mbts will more often lose 1-2 crew members and maybe the engine through lower plate but still retain full capabilities of firing back.
