Object 279 BR

How are people that easily kill 279s at 8.7 bad?
It was fine at 8.7, easily dealt with when ears are open.
Now it’s just a bad 9.0.
All other 9.0s are better than it.

I think you’re going too far to call the 279 bad at 9.0. The fact that it has a reverse gear makes it useful to have on a lineup. There are also a few noteworthy opponents that still falter in the face of that much steel armor. U-SH 405 and Raketenautomat are both popular vehicles that in my experience tend to falter a bit when faced with the 279. The same for rocket spam from early helicopters, or autocannons from IFVs/SPAAGs. A cheeky player flanking in a Falcon or Gepard is a serious threat to my T-55’s with side shots, but the 279 largely can thwart those lower caliber attacks from any angle.

I don’t think anyone has any grounds to call it OP though. Any tank with an APFSDS round, or anything with an ATGM, should be able to defeat this thing.

still false, you can kill all of the crew members and destroy its ammo by shooting at the hull.

My protection analysis seems to be fine. And the dm23 is more than able to pen those areas based on my experience, btw just as a remainder on protection analysis you need to press the “protection map” each time you change ammo and angles as it does not update automatically.

People seem to get utterly fixated on the armor of the 279 like that’s it’s only positive aspect it has. As though it’s firepower or mobility suffer such that when the armor isn’t literally immune to all damage, there’s nothing left.

That gun is devastating, especially so when you remember that the vast majority of armored tanks around this BR are on the Soviet team. All you really have to worry about are the Chieftain Mk 10’s turret, the two foreign T-72s in a partial uptier, and a couple of tanks you can only see in full uptiers. Even then, you can get through weakspots. Everything else you see can be lolpenned, and thanks to the HE filler you don’t even need to aim carefully. This gives you a sizable reaction time advantage over most of the tanks you’re going to be fighting, as even APFSDS require some level of aim to consistently disable a 279.

Meanwhile, the mobility is fine. Not cripplingly slow like some other tanks that rely on their armor (Chieftain Mk10, I’m looking at you), and it’s reactive mobility is very good for a Soviet tank thanks to it’s actual reverse gear. This seriously helps the armor too, as it allows you to be constantly on the move and shifting your angle relative to your enemy, which makes getting accurate shots on weakspots that much harder.

And as far as the armor goes, it’s solid. Doesn’t hold up great against well aimed APFSDS, but consider what it fights in downtiers, even at 9.0. All 8.0s and most 8.3s lack APFSDS. Most don’t main HEAT either, APDS remains the most common round for ~8.0 MBTs, and that seriously struggles with the 279. Not to mention, 105mm HEAT through the front plate will often only kill the driver, leaving you free to return fire and delete the offending tank.

The armor is helped by the mobility, as previously mentioned, but also by it’s rarity. Newer players aren’t used to fighting it, and have no idea how to even go about penetrating it. Even perfectly side on, unless you know to aim for the turret ring, it can bounce. I’ve watched a well played 279 (Especially when they can sit in a hulldown position) completely demolish my team before I stepped in. Yeah, it’s not literally idiot proof any more, you can’t just drive at the enemy and bully them with impunity like you used to be able to. But it’s still very strong when played well.


And?another worthless take said by the same mouth.

Not having a certain tank≠not knowing its pros and cons

I played against it back when it was 8.7,and facing it at 8.0 or 7.7 meant you were doomed. No skills required to play it,since you were able to pen everything everywhere at that BR and you were almost invulnerable

Back when it was 8.7,seeing a 279 going below 5-0 before getting killed was impossible. Now only people with actual skill manage to get a grip out of it and score well since at 9.0 is more than balanced.

So yeah,quit your idiotic claims with no backing and your “skill issue” because trust me,you don’t want to take that road with me :)

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Oh yeah everyone knows you can easily kill a 279 with a Maus, M103, T32E1 or IS-4M.

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It does everything better than the IS-7.

I’ve played it a lot lol I would describe the armor as “inconsistent”, I have had matches where I got OHKO by Leopard 1, then today British 8.3 Olifant one-shot me through the ufp, nowadays I’m leaning towards playing it like I have no armor, whenever I felt like I can rely on it always fail. It’s armor is overrated, I play it more for the APHE and it’s OHKO power, it’s special because most things it faced in that br don’t have the finishing blow like it does, I also like the fact that it is extremely bomb resistant.

If you really want armor, Maus in its respective br in a full downtier has more armor than the Object 279, its also more reliable, the probability of getting lolpen is lower than the br the Object 279 is currently in.

Any reason you took the maus as example ?
sure the maus has armor… as long as you are angled?.. (if they don’t just take out your barrel…) XD
the sec you turn your turret and try to shoot someone you get 2 huge flat pieces with 232mm …
I’m more scared from a is4m in 6.7 then i would be from a maus
but that might be me alone

Only if you have apds. Is4m has a big weakspot in the front, which hampers its overall amazing armor. At 7.7 I don’t think any 122mm can pen the maus frontally reliably. Not to mention the reload the is4m has. Overall worse than the is6. Soviet heavies are the one thing that has been getting shafted consistently, while other more op vehicles are ignored

Well there are more tanks then just Russians with 122 tbh
and not to mention all the cheat-fs slingers in the br