The APFS-DS is great for long range shots but its only good at a guess as past ~1km you cant range.
The 120 needs a rangefinder to compete with the VIDAR 8.0, ZT3A2 8.3, PLZ05 7.7, STRV 103-0 8.0. All have similar purposes of rushing to a postition and sniping tanks from there. what do they NOT have in common with the black sheep (Object 120), they all have laser rangefinders (not even mentioning stabilizers…) . The 120 doesn’t even have a rangefinder modification.
When it comes to peak vs peak the 120 loses as the guess of “How far is that fucker” vs “Range find, shoot” always leaves the range find at hand.
Yes the 120 is good, but given competition listed and many not listed it shouldn’t be in this BR at 8.0 or should be given a rangefinder.
Did it have a rangefinder irl to give it one? They don’t just make up stuff like that usually. Also the dart has such little drop that even without knowing exact range it should be quite easy to hit long distant targets. How far exactly do you really need to snipe with that dart at 8.0?
Right but would it not be plausible the railgun tank used for sniping at range would have a rangefinder in real life? Real life or in game current state of competition Id say a rangefinder would help its playstyle tremendously.
It’s a fricken railgun. It’s completely fine where it’s at. And heck no to a ahistorical LRF, absolutely not. Besides lmao, with the muzzle velocity it has you don’t really even need one.
LRF I understand no but a normal optical range finder id say yes. Muzzle velocity only helps the rail gun round not the other 2, kinda sucks when you see a maus clip a hill and you cant judge range for a heat round.
I highly doubt it had a laser rangefinder, as they were very new at the time. As for a optical rangefinder, it may have some sort of one, but most likely not a coincidence rangefinder. It doesn’t have the bulges for one. May still have some other kind, though.
I also doubt it had a laser rangefinder in real life as they barely built the tank. When they built the singular SU-152 “TARAN” (object 120) it was quickly realized other 125mm weapon systems were superior in 1965. But say they did actually produce it, would it not be reasonable to expect and optical rangefinder?
If it went into production, it most likely would have had a range finder added to it, but after doing more research, I can’t really find anything to support a stereoscopic range finder or a coincidence range finder, the two kinds of optical rangefinder.
Coincidence rangefinders are typically housed in bulge outside the vehicle, as seen on the M47 below, but that can not be seen on the Object 120.
As for a stereoscopic rangefinder, it also needed some sort of external component to do it’s job, as seen on the below T29E3.
So I think the snail may be right in that it doesn’t have a rangefinder at all. Unless they want to give it one that was never on the vehicle, I don’t see it having one.
Fighting other tanks also sniping the 120 loses many times over from an HE shell from a VIDAR at the same BR. If it had a rangefinder not even a LRF it could do a little better in its own competition of sniper TD’s
That sounds like how one would imagine how it will work, the issue is object 120 has such a shitty ass optical zoom which makes the minor adjustment hard for long-range targets, unless you set your mouse sensitivity very low, one pixel off then you completely miss the hitbox for target >1.2km, if target at greater range then your crosshair lines is thicker than their entire hitbox. It’s a pretty bad sniper IMO I don’t know why people says it were excellent, I will take the Object 268 over it if you put me in a large map.
I agree it doesnt have visible bumps or outside accessories pointing to a rangefinder. I think that could also be the fact the pictures available of the 120 are of the initial and only one ever tested. The final model is not always the first model. But the final model I would still argue would be reasonable to expect a rangefinder.
Then again we are not really in the year to wait for the next object 120 to come out and see if it has a rangefinder or not.
Also per the googles. LRF didn’t get invented till 1965
This is the Object 120, as it sits now. Still nothing that visibly points to a rangefinder of any type. I gotta take the side of the snail on this one, sadly. I don’t think it has one.
If it comes down to historical accuracies we could bring in the fact the VIDAR, was created in the 2010s and sits the same BR. I do agree with you that fact of no visible rangefinder given the single test model made. But if the game were based off everything facts based on real life we wouldnt have a game.
The intended purpose of the post is try balance the competition of sniper TDs in which, the 120 could perform much better with a rangefinder in game.
I think you may be forgetting that is the 120 received a LRF, it would not stay at 8.0, it would like move up in BR and defeat the purpose of what you are trying to achieve.
The 120 is not designed to be a traditionally ‘competitive’ vehicle, it is a highly specialised novelty vehicle that requires a very specific playstyle to work effectively.
It is not meant to compete with contemporary vehicles, it is a novel vehicle purchased for money to offer players a unique experience.