Now With the M1 being Brought to 10.7, Can We Finally Receive M833?

I think the Thumper prototype had a few additional advantages over the standard M1 abrams, including reinforced armor and a fast autoloader.

I do know Germany apparently messed around with a 140mm gun on a Leopard 2, a fairly basic looking one from the ~2 images of it online. That might be closer to Obj 292; as it is a T-80B with bigger gun.

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Def didn’t have better armor, as the gun took up a lot of the max weight of the suspension and tracks could take. Yes, Germany did have a Leo 2A4 140mm, and France with their LecLerc Terminateur.


2A4 HV 140: (Swiss proto version)

2A4 140 BW:


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A bit off topic
But just to add a few more info. The actual project name of M1 Thumper is “ATAC System Demonstrator”

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Theoretically speaking, Gaijin could give the M60A3 TTS the M900 APFSDS-T seeing that it was used in the 1991 Gulf War by M60A3s. Tab F

But as for the M1 Abrams in late 2024 War Thunder i see no reason not to add M833. Its still the same hull still the same turret still the same shape and size. but it will be able to EFFECTIVLY engage targets higher then its own BR. which it is usually only seeing up-tiers in my experience US top tier really isn’t fun right now. being spawn camped by KA 52s SU 25s MiG 29s and SU27s really isnt fun. And on top of that, there is so much hate and anger in the game going unchecked.

if you implement something that is historically accurate such as M833 for M1 Abrams but do that for every nation in the game i dont really see that as being biased towards one nation another. at that point, its just a matter of balancing. in my personal opinion, this is what should be done to the M1 Abrams: remove M735 make M774 the stock AP round then add M833 where M774 is right now.

Penetration @ 60 Degrees @ 500 Meters Directly from War Thunder
M735: 164
M774: 211
M833: 224
M900: 297
DM13: 222
DM23: 232
DM33: 272
3BM22: 189
3BM42: 257
3BM46: 304
L23A1: 224
L26: 268
L27A1: 322
Type 1985: 265
DTC 10: 327

Adding M833 to the M1 will simply bring it closer to its peers. it will not break meta


They decompressed, the only change is that they no longer face 9.3 tanks.

My XM-1 can take on the Turms.

No, and come up with better names for Gaijin,

Russian bias does not exist, there is only premium bias, and confirmation bias.

They went up in BR too.


How is telling the truth gaslighting?

Look at the BR changes. Almost every 10.0+ tank went up, including the 2S38, TURMS, T-80UD, and the BMP-2M.

Learn better insults.


Youre gaslighting people about tanks YOU DONT EVEN PLAY. Youre a joke

All I did was correct you. Gaijin moved everything around 10.0 up, so nothing changed, T-72s are fairly easy to deal with, and I said that Russian bias isn’t real.


Theres that gaslighting again, data miners would disagree with you.

So in reality you havent corrected anything, RU premiums went up 0.3 after all the OTHER NATO MBT at 10.3 got bumped to 10.7 which is now majority a 11.7 BR, so RU doesnt even face real MBTs at 10.3 and under anymore, unless you think an M60 can duel with a T-72 Turms in all its coded biasd glory, RU getting hand held matches for downtiers now to pad its stats, even T-80UD gets that 10.3 JUCIY down-tier at 9.3 with your precious XM-1 cant wait to see you flip after getting clapped dozens of matches, so you are legit full of it bud.

Your stats say you play 9.3 max which is versing the weakest T-72s the RU tech tree has to offer, OFC you think they are easy. To top it off you havent played M1 Abrams at 10.7 where extra pen matters, so like I said, go play the M1 Abrams where its at now with M774 then come back and try to bullsht people into thinking its balanced.

Which is how it was originally. RU prems were at 10.0, and the nato ones were at 10.3.

That is untrue.

That’s just a conspiracy theory.

Turms are easier to kill the Leopard 2A4s, and that is a fact.

My point still stands. There was no bias in the BR changes, nearly everything went up, and almost nothing faces new and better vehicles that it didn’t face before.


Show me the solid, coded evidence than

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This is a Br compression problem and the M60 can’t see the turms anwyay

That a cap , all nation in the 10. bracket have bad stats , have you checked your beloved US top tier WR , stop the cap

Would if US main actually half decent at the game )))))

Tfw US player making the worst shot know to man kind and complain about the shell being weak and complain about russian biased as if russian tank didn’t just get penned lower plate and die. Making loud claim about “Tank you haven’t played”. I could say the same to you , you haven’t played USSR tank , how can you know russian biased exist ?

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Google is right there dude. Search it. Educate yourself, even if I provided actual coded bias youd sit there and say “nuh-uh”


Yea you just admitted this games made in favor for Russians. Thanks.

No ? Can you read or not. I simply discard anything regarding real life cause it is a game, especially coming from a person who have not played any nation beside two major. Step up your game or stop yapping. If you dislike the game and the creator cause they “favor for russian”. Then leave ? Lmao who stopping you


Why ignore all the advantages US tanks have?

Stop acting like only US stuff was moved up, because it wasn’t.



Am I ru main tho , that is highly up for debate, more like germany or even japan but if you want it to be in your argument then sure , be my guest

Yeah oc it miss you , it only hit someone with ability to look further than their own hand. It use real life elements doesnt mean it have to be 100% accurate and in fact it is not. Even gaijin in their advertisement claimed that it is highly accurate vehicle and realism. Even the Realistic gamemode is not 100% accurate , a lot of vehicle in the game are not accurate to their real life counterpart. Where the realism then ?


Yup majority of your tanks are RU. Next.

Pretty sure Ger are more played , cherry picking at it finest. US player write a whole paragraph (Aint reading all that) think people will care and agree but no , no one did. Called himself god of hate and yet I see no hate , just blindly personal biased. All yap no bite , next time you can just say 'Russian biased is real and US stuff are bad" , no need to spread it out like people gonna read your yapping

And trust me darling , the US stuff will remain “bad” , they are not fixing it.


What about you? you have 0 USSR vehicles researched lol if you had played them you’d know they struggle like everything else if not more.

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