Now With the M1 being Brought to 10.7, Can We Finally Receive M833?

I’ve played plethora of different 10.3 / 10.7 vehicles and can say M1 is more than fine at it’s spot.

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And I can say you’re easily lying and like the easy kills 👍 moving the M1 up to 10.7 did nothing but allow you to farm more kills. It’s pathetic.

You are living proof of why people need to pass a minimum intelligence level to use the internet

Think for more than 2 seconds


If I liked easy kills I’d be spamming 10.3 / 10.7 and killing T-tanks.

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Are people trying to get this thread lock or what ?


To reach 10.3-10.7? i may agree with you, it probably is the last competitive lineup the US can reliably offer.

To reach the proper top tier though? That guy It’s entirely right, no wonder why i left the ground tree at the bunch of 11.7 Abrams and HSTV-L. There’s no point on progressing a tech tree with lackluster winrates, and therefore, hindering the grind to devious levels.

I genuinely prefer to wait the upcoming sales and start a new ground tree instead of commiting to a <45% WR to earn the technical US ground top tier.

People saying no as if the M833 is better than the dm23(m833 has less pen/less spall than dm23-at a lower BR-for abrams)
In fact m735 should have had ~355mm rha pen at 0 degree at a respective 200m
Just if the m735 document isnt still classified


Brother, there’s whole active threads right now about Russian vehicles.

No, it is not only USA mains that make threads about their tanks being weak.

A few nations constantly whine.


T-80UD does not have access to APHE.

It is, however, USA mains that constantly break forum rules and have more than one bitch thread up at a time. They literally can’t contain their whining. No other nation does this to anywhere near the extent USA mains do.


Like everyone else.


This is baked into the fact that most tanks below it have a better pen round than the M1.

And in most circumstances US tanks in the region of 9.3 to 10.7 don’t nearly have the same spalling effects as their contemporaries.

Thus higher skill floor.


I opened my thread up with reason. So whine elsewhere.


Overall it’s true that it’s pathetic how the M1 just cannot get a new round. I don’t really understand how a round that is found in 9.3 is deemed alright for a 10.7 mbt. Agreed the M1 has good mobility, the armor not so much though. Easiest example of how fucked rounds are is the turms in 10.3 with 457mm of pen (bitch about how the turms is worse than the M1 idc my point still stands). I really can’t see myself play the abrams when the XM1 is basically better even though it also have a lackluster apfsds.

By your logic 2S38 should be 8.0

No? Why are you bringing a light tank with an autocannon into this? There’s obviously more to consider than just penetration things like thermals, survivability, and overall capability. The 2S38 is in a completely different league and irrelevant to this argument. My point is that the M1 doesn’t bring anything meaningful at its BR, much like how the M26 feels mediocre compared to the T26E5 at the same BR. With its lackluster penetration, the M1 struggles to engage targets like other 10.7 MBTs (not to mention in uptiers), yet it also lacks the armor to withstand prolonged engagements.


Apparently fire rate is irrelevant to you. 2S38 has similar penetration to M464 APFSDS found at 8.0. So therefore 2S38 has 8.0 level firepower (according to you).

3BM42 being at 10.3 is irrelevant because it has a 7.1 second reload, besides there are better rounds at lower BRs.

M774 is at 9.0 because that is the most decompressed area in the game. So naturally capability gaps between vehicles in this area are going to be smaller between BRs.

The M1 is equivalent to the Leopard 2A4 in armor and firepower and is slightly more mobile. Reload is inherently more meta than penetration at high tier.


Umm… How is this relate to the topic exactly ? That beside the point that some (most) of those threads doesn’t actually talking about the same things. Despite being related to the same tank or just different variants. It is entirely up to OP if they want to talk about tank as a whole or they just want to focus on certain section of the tank itself.

Gajin should fix the abrams then
The whine is annoying but the inaccuracy of the abrams cant be ignore either


Giving it m833 isnt gonna break the game either
M833 is only ±4% better pen than m774(all pen stats) it would be a small buff that can help in some scenarios