Now that we have the Mig 29 (1983+), Yak 141 (1991), SU-39 (SU-25 Modernization Prototype 2008)

This is a factor for every tank in the game.

Doesn’t matter in this game.

The r3 was 3.3. Most of the swedish vehicles at rank 3 are post war. Trash arguement

Very convinient, maybe you should’ve mentioned the F14A compressor stalls

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No it is not. Here is the M4A2 vs a russian T-34 shell through the optics:


Here is the T-34 being hit by the same type of shell through the optics from the M2A4.


Shit, the F14A is missing its Aim-9M, Aim-7M, and Aim-120 missiles. The Mig 29 is getting its R73s. Is the F14 getting its Aim-9M and Aim-120s? Likely not.

I don’t actually believe tanks should be put up against vehicles that are “far ahead” in technology for any tech tree. Their should be a reasonable limit to this. Including for Sweden, USA etc. Their should be a hard limit on how far back a vehicle can go. I am ok with this.

And the doctrine was to send them into the field and use them like disposable tanks. Doesn’t mean the T-34 didn’t kill every type of German tank out there (they were good at taking themselves out). Since we’re mentioning Korea, the T-34-85 held an early advantage, and a ton of respect from US/UN forces who could not counter it easily, at all. It took M26’s from Japan to help stem the tide. T-34 =/= T-34-85. Did the US reverse this advantage, yes, but the point stands.

If this was a strict sim game, you’d have more of a point to stand on, as matchups would be limited to time periods and OOB’s used for different battles. But this isn’t a sim game, not even SB is truly sim. You want a sim game where you can splash Libyan Su-22’s in your F-14? Go play DCS.

I’m sure you wont post your source, but the folks at this website help explain the configurations and G-limits. Aparently, the F-16 (not sure what variant) has a G limit of about 7.5g’s in a ground configuration. Gaijin just removed the G-limiter for the F-16 (as many planes can be piloted with the G limiter disabled), yet you hear no one complaining about how the F-16A is now the best 1 circle fighter in game.

What tank at 5.3? The 34-85? 2024 tank at 10.0?

Regardless of what those examples may be, again, this is not a sim-game. It’s a semi-realistic game. The devs and admins have admitted that they don’t even necessarily place vehicles in tech-trees on any logical basis, outside of the one logical rule for them: balance/gameplay.

Powerplants take hours or days to replace in field when damaged, treads sometimes can’t be repaired and a vehicle needs to be recovered to a repair base. Fire in the tank? Great, the halogen just damaged the electronics and you’ll need to get tuned up again. Barrel destroyed? That’s a factory refurb, going to have to remove the turret entirely to replace the gun. Optics destroyed? That’s at least a week of calibrating the new system and sighting the gun back in, if you could even get a sight/FCS to the frontlines in-tact. Point being, the game mechanics themselves aren’t anywhere close to realistic. It’s all liberties all day.

Every tree has it’s anachronistic additions, and every tank has it’s liberties, this isn’t solely a USSR/Russian tank issue.

Cool, the MiG-29 9.13 is still missing it’s R-73’s, and both it and the SMT are missing R-77M’s.

At least you have a missile bus at high tier. We can’t even get (yet) a gimped Su-27 with Fox 1&2’s only.

yes, and this is one of the big issues with the current mm.

It is called “Realistic Battles” and I get some luxuries are taken. But in RB their should be some realistic limitations.

You are correct, I won’t post anything that I cannot find in the public but I will mention when something is wrong.

This is technically wrong. Closer to the limitations of the F15 with 8,000lbs of ground ordinance. Closer to but also not correct. They can withstand higher. We have three G Limits.

  1. The publicly listed G limit.
  2. The stay under to avoid structural possible damage, and having to ground the airplane limit.
  3. The actual you are going to break it G limit.

Number 2 is where pilots need to really stay and is often a bit higher than number 1.

The F16 can structurally withstand more than 14Gs.

  1. PT-76 = 1952
  2. 2S38 = Not in service yet (was supposed to be this year, but russia gets its …hind… handed to them and their lack of components has postponed this)

Way more liberties are taken with one nation over others. Way more. NATO nations are being held back in some cases more than 20 years. We can’t even get the right firing modes for multiple weapon systems on the NATO aircraft. Sparrows shouldn’t explode 2 seconds after you lose lock, they are capable of continuing to home without you needing to “force lock” the target. Aim-9Ls and newer should be able to dummy fire and lock onto the first thing they see. The Saab 60, 105, Viggen etc are missing multiple ordinances I have reported. The list goes on, but russian vehicles tend to not be missing anything if much. In many cases they are outfitted much better than they should be. 1 russian tank gets thermals slapped on it IRL that weren’t outfitted for it in Ukraine and they throw thermals on the entire line. Like really? The liberties are getting out of hand.

7 year difference between the end of WW2, and year of introduction. No armor, at all, but has a nice 85mm for it’s BR. You’re really complaining about this? Are you going to remove the M42 from the US tree then? Same date of production…

2S38 may not be implemented, but the heavy duty armor upgrade packages added to the BMP-3 are being widely produced at the moment. I doubt we’ll know specifics on why the ZAK-57 hasn’t rolled out with these new hulls, but I don’t know if it matters. FPV drones are not going to be fragged easily by a 2S38, and the new passive EW modules for the T-80BVM are working quite well with that issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2S38 remains a prototype. Which would be fine considering there are plenty of prototypes in this game (M247 and HSTVL for example).

Can you be more specific?

Not true. I’ll grant you the minor nations don’t get the best treatment, I’m sure the Saab 60 and Viggen are missing some AGM’s etc, I’ve seen some reports, but when you look at the US, the main competitor to the USSR line, and a popular choice for many, Outside of technical limitations, and balance limitations, both nations have pretty similar “fleshed out vehicles”.

One of the small nations did dominate for a while, do you remember when Sweden got the 122B with a hull armor upgrade? It was idiot proof.

It is in VERY limited use by militias, and as said it was produced in 2020.
It’s already been proven to perform as advertised… And tested by potential buyers. It even had released footage of it in Alabino.

Would love to see it do all of the things it claims to do, yet for some weird reason I don’t buy it.

Then see it do it, the testing films are on public domains.

I love watching the two nations that have the most stuff out of everyone arguing about why they should get more stuff than the other one, meanwhile Japan still doesn’t have a proper AA vehicle.

Just keep beatin’ that dead horse guys, it’ll come back to life eventually.

Standing in a field and shooting at some targets tells me nothing about actual real world performance, and Russia has a long history of lying about anything and everything.

Japan’s final SPAA is the most complicated of the options to add to WT due to it being self-contained only in a backup system role.

Don’t forget it also has a stabilizer at BR 5.3. The first tank in the game to get one in fact, despite the UK having pioneered them during WW2.

They were, they are not anymore. Firmware updates have already fixed this for the FPV drones.

Missing ERA and NERA on tons of vehicles. Missing anti-era rounds for most NATO tanks. Hell, missing rounds entirely for so many tanks. Poor UK honestly, that L11 gun is missing a dozen rounds in game. Sweden is missing tons of ordinance, APS systems, NERA, ERA and more on its tanks.

The US tanks are also not benefitting from their more spacious cabins due to poorly coded game design. But volumetrics has been a long standing issue they refuse to fix because… well it would likely hurt russia more than anyone.

The formula they are using doesn’t calculate rounds against ERA properly or air gaps. Darts are underperforming for many nations.

Still missing NERA, ERA, Automatic extinguishing systems, Targeting systems, Automatic tracking systems in the targeting systems, APS systems, and more. What is the T-80BVM missing?

“This was announced in an interview with TASS by the general director of the Uralvagonzavod concern (UVZ, part of Rostec) Alexander Potapov. “Preliminary tests of the combat vehicle have been completed, including the confirmation of the possibility of combating drones of various types - from small-sized to heavy drums. A pilot batch is being manufactured. The first deliveries of the new anti-aircraft complex to the troops are scheduled for 2022,” he said 31 August 2020. State tests of the new 57-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun “Derivation-Air Defense” are planned to be completed in 2022.” To date they have not actually delivered like they were supposed to. This is not a 2020 tank.

The BMP-2M is a 2019 tank though. Must be nice sitting at BR 10.0 with that 2024 2S38. They should be no less than BR 11.7.

Where is the German KF41? Where is the 2A7? 2A8?

Where is the S122 Galix system? S-Tank NERA? Why is the S-Tank nerfed to 4 seconds? It has a fire rate of 2.4 seconds.

The UK Mk3/Mk5 can’t even get their proper rounds.

It can’t, which is why it isn’t being fielded. Its a very typical over hyped, under performing vehicle. Which is exactly as expected considering what nation built it.

Japan is probably the most ignored… It is really sad honestly. I would like to see more smaller nations get ramped up and become more competitive. This would actually help round out the game. Japan is missing some good stuff.

I am pretty sure it is the only thing they know how to do. They can’t even produce the SU-57… It was caught on RADAR and had a larger signature than an F18… so much for Gen 5 stealth.

Laughs in M2 Browning and/or 7mm mg strafing

Have those all been documented as bugs or whatever? Can people provide proof of protection per Gaijin standards? That’s one of the biggest problem with top tier Western tanks is that they either lack documentation, or they are arranged as chemical protection. The last point is not mal-intent or negligence on Gaijin’s part. Most modern tanks in the West, from 2000-2020 were designed for LIC/Urban combat, not peer-on-peer conflict. People then clamor for more KE protection, something the design lacks, and bemoan the fact that the armor doesn’t behave the way they want.

I will agree that the NERA modelling is definitely missing for some vehicles. This is definitely a problem, and doesn’t seem to be as much as a problem in the USSR line.

Which ones? Sincerely, please name as many as possible. All modern penetrators are, by design, anti-era by intention. Are you saying the dual cores haven’t been modelled? The penetrator tip and segments haven’t been modelled? Can the game engine even handle that? Russia is missing rounds too, and would be effected by lack of proper modelling.

Is that a gamebreaker? Or are they just minor additions, like another HE round but with a different filler? Remember, this isn’t a Sim, it’s a semi-realistic arcade game.

That goes all ways. T-90 and T-80 have hardkill systems that haven’t been added, T-90M has soft-kill that should be able to be added to any Russian tank with LWS. T-90M allegedly has hard-kill too. APS is very much a niche thing in game right now.

The T-80BVM is missing NERA and ERA from Obr. 2022 and the 2023 revision of it. Primarily T-90M sideskirts, compatible with a new bolt-on version of the beloved ERA backpacks made out of metal, which should be added there, and around the turret including new additional coverage surrounding the smoke grenade launchers.

Automatic extinguishing systems, targeting systems, automatic tracking systems in the targeting systems, and APS systems as well. Because yes, Russia has all of those things on the BVM as well.

When is Gaijin sending the Begleitpanzer 57 to 10.7? If it had IRST it would be the better tank with its additional missiles, and would be 11.7 too. Also 11.7 is absolutely ridiculous. 10.7 at most, for the 2S38 and the BMP-2M.

When did the Bundeswehr order the KF41, 2A7, or 2A8?

I did on a couple of them. Got ignored. Was told “this is not a bug” and they never fixed it. I included photos, for some things, book clippings, and more. Still nope, nothing, nada, a big f u to us.

Yes, and this has been mentioned in the past. I know parts of it (like proper penetration on russian era) they have admitted they didn’t model correctly. But they also HAVE NOT FIXED IT. So they know its wrong and just ignore it.

Game breaking. It would actually full pen most russian vehicles at its BR, instead its left with rounds that just bounce when it has the ability not to. It basically has them nerfed at that BR which is dumb. I have labeled all of them in the past, multiple times. But again, its ignored.

Which would be a new tank at a higher BR honestly. It shouldn’t exist in game until the L-A8 is here and the S122+++ is here.

11.7. I play the 2S38 and it has zero problems at 11.0+.

IRST is missing on so many German and UK vehicles its laughable. Even the Wiesel should have IRST (as it is AA which has it) but it doesn’t in game. It is silly. Some aircraft IRST isn’t even working properly and the F14 RADAR is nerfed.

Norway has 50+ outstanding orders of the 2A7. The 2A7 is already in service since 2014. Should have in game already. Also Germany has ordered 2A8s as direct replacements for the vehicles it gave to Ukraine. Norway has also ordered these 2A8s equipped with Trophy systems. We apparently don’t actually need “orders” for them to come into the game anyways. The Object 279 was cancelled after failures and problems with its first trials. As for the KF41 multiple countries have orders and also here you go: Rheinmetall on LinkedIn: Rheinmetall Lynx KF41 deploys in Greece

M4s have stabilizers down to 3.3.
L11 lacks exactly one round: L28.
Volumetric made Abrams more survivable.

T-80BVM is missing auto tracking/targeting systems.
APS isn’t used on Strv 122A/B, it’s used as another variant.

2A7 is with T-90M. Germany doesn’t use the KF41; they can instead get prototypes for other KF platform projects.
Galix is being implemented.
S-Tanks have their correct known 4 second reload.

Japan is not ignored.

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Aren’t all tanks?

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