Now is the perfect time to add the AIM-9L-(I) to Italy, UK, and Sweden!

And 9.0 planes shouldnt fight all aspect missle Specialy of they maybe dont even habe flares yet. Whats your point there?
The tornado just as well can have 2 aim 9l(i) missles. Its performance is ARB sucks as well ,its no great base bomber. F4S easily take bases with dumb rockets

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The difference is other aircraft with extremely capable missiles have a significant disadvantage in the form of speed. It is easy to stay out of range of an A-10 or Su-25 because they are slower than some props. The Tornados have no such disadvantage. Why should they be lower BR than Harriers with similar weaponry?

Like compare the BR of Tornadoes right now compared to A-10 or Su-25 with equivalent missiles. Now when upgrading it to the Su-39:s missile equivalents, why would it stay at the low BR of 11.3?

The issue is the compression. As it currently stands, the Tornado IDS basically exclusively fights 12s and 12.3s. Ideally, they need to move up and for the Tornados to be encountering things like F4s and Mig-23s not F-16s and Mig-29s. As they dont seem to want to do that then the next best option is to add the full defensive kit to the Tornados. Currently they have 56 CMs, they should have 56 Flares and 1200 Chaff, except the Tornado GR1 which should also have an additional 320 CMs from 2x BOL rails. But again, they either cant get that too work or they dont want to add that.

That leaves other options. 2x Aim-9L/i could be that buff. Tornado isnt a turn fighter, so its missile will be used on really in hit and run attacks. If its being used for A2A combat at all. In most instances it will probably be used for punching a hole in incoming fighters to put bombs on target. There are a few options for IRCCM variants of the Aim-9L and they dont have to be the Aim-9M equivalent. THey could be earlier and therefore weaker variants. But with only 2x AAMs, on a platform that cant turn and isnt that much faster than aircraft equal or higher, I dont think a BR increase would be required.

Are you goddamn dumb or what?
Italy used Aim9L/I on every aircraft from the Tornado and on, meaning F104, Tornado adv and IDF, F104 ASA-M and F16 which were literally used to replace ASA-M and in more than a variant, even the first proto of the Eurofighter used Aim9L/I
If you don’t know stuff leave the thread, go moan somewhere else

Read trough the whole thread idiot, my main problem as with the OP not mentioning the Main user and producer germany at all. Go crawl back into your hole, when you first timer have no idea about the dynamic of the forum and i generaly had no idea when he in the same situation named sweden as a user which is imaginative

Aim9L(I) would be great on the F3
i but how much of a br increase would it get though

Knowing Gaijin. 12.7

F.3 was the only of British tornados that used them right?

No clue
i was just assuming but i think they later used ASRAAM so properly

Average german main with his toxicity… no one is denying that germany built them or should have them, just chill and stop whining as usual

someone changed what they wrote

main user and producer… ok bud, now go back crying in your corner as you guys usually do. God you are annoying

@x_Shini is the most reasonable German main i have seen

yep, didn’t word it correctly

and that tells a lot about german mains

What is wrong with what he is saying

I know very well how they behave towards other communities, they are amongst the most toxic, offensive and selfish. They are just the worst really

the way he is saying it is wrong

and before any other talk, i used to main germany myself, yet i just want the game to be balanced and every nation enjoyable; but that’s just Utopia as always

Shows you dont know anything, i do support every other community as well. And i genuinly didnt knew better if italy ised them, which i was educated on. Still the thread maker didnt name germany at all but sweden as an option which didnt use them at all. That is a problem.
And you are a problem as well because u didnt bother reading trough a week old threat without even checking jow the situatiln might have changed