Northrop F-5EM Tiger II- The most modern and feared F-5 in the world

Italy should keep it, taking advantage of the fact that there is already a Brazilian vehicle there, and the Tamoyo and Osorio tanks manufactured in Brazil were made by Bernardini of Italy.

Italy was my first option too, because of the AMX. The counter-argument is that the AMX was developed by both Brazil and Italy, while the F-5EM has nothing to do with Italy at all.

But yeah, Italy. It needs a squadron airplane anyway.

A great aircraft, and looks quite funny with conformal fuel tanks haha. +1 for any future Brazilian subtree (I know I’ve commented here before but never really delved into the suggestion).


It has a Romanian and Hungarian subtree as well, which is why it’s highly unlikely this vehicle will end up there unless gaijin changes the rules to allow for 3 subtrees per nation. As it stands, it’s most likely this vehicle will end up in the USA due to its F-5 airframe, or even more likely Israel due to its involvement in the modernization.

Damn, had no idea it had conformal fuel tanks. Although I find those a bit useless, they’d be nice to have.

Great for sim hehe

Would be a nice addition to the game ngl. I am quite unsure as to what tech tree this vehicle should go; I have three nations in mind: USA, Israel and Italy.

USA simply because the plane originated there.

Israel because the modernization process depended heavily on a cooperation with an Elbit subsidiary (and because the tree lacks diversity of vehicles in all aspects).

Italy, not because it participated on the modernization, because it didn’t, but because there’s a potential brazilian line-up at around 11.0/12.0 that could come true with the addition of the F5M and the Centauro B2 (brazilian version), complementing the AMX – if we are going crazy here, the addition of other vehicles that came from the Brazil/IVECO partnership (VBTP Guarani 30mm) could bring even more vehicles to the italian tech tree, creating a quasi-brazilian sub tree for the italians, even if it’s made of premiums only (which is where I see any brazilian vehicle being best placed in the game).

I do think that, in any case, the F5M would be better suited as a premium. I don’t see how it would be a relevant addition to any regular tree, since it would simply be an upgrade to an outdated platform, with better options already available in the TT, making it a quite niche vehicle.

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Brazil has really no claim to this vehicle whatsoever.

To be honest, no, it could be either for israel since it was a modification of israeli origin or in an Italian subtree since brazil is already there with some good backgroubd, and the normal brazilian F-5E It has nothing interesting and is almost identical to the american F-5E

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Brazil is not a subtree, Romania and Hungary are the ONLY subtrees, as a nation is incapable of receiving more than 2 as stated per Smin. The only way it can receive vehicles to “provide lineups or fill gaps” is if they have Italian origins (such as with the AMX present ingame, or Centauro II they use in service). They can’t revive the F-5 just because they need a lineup, as they can already receive any Hungarian and Romanian vehicles for that purpose. The F-5EM has zero Italian connections, and has no ability to go to this tech tree as per the rules of vehicle implementation stated by Smin.
Please excuse my original statement for the placement of regular F-5Es in this tech tree, for a moment I trout this was a different F-5 suggestion. There’s quite a few upgraded by Israeli companies haha

Like the EM has an connection with italy as it’s radar being italian, but that’s one thing

And yes that’s where the EM or other vehicles like the brazilian Centauro B2, MB 326, a few later modernizations of the AMX, even a few IVECO vehicles like the Guarani being built in partnership and domestically by both, but i suggested that many gaps could filled and be added and also due to the long relations between brazil and italy, as happened with 21Bison too

It doesn’t mean that 100% of the time a vehicle that has been modified by two different countries won’t enter the country that has more relations in that sense in the game and they having before being there

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That is because India is a subtree for Britain. Brazil is not a subtree for any nation ingame.

It does. Foreign Vehicles can only be added to a nation through a placement of nation’s vehicles (as is seen with Poland and Norway), a subtree (Many such instances ingame, and Brazil so confirmed to have Romania and Hungary as theirs), or from having connections to the planes development/armament.

However as you mentioned it does indeed use a radar of Italian origins, I missed that! To me personally the total upgrades made by Israel outweigh this addition, but it may be enough for gaijin to consider it for Italy. There’s also the F-5E Tiger III from Chile that Israel can get, which has the same weapons as this aircraft, retains both cannons in the nose, doesn’t get conformal fuel tanks, gets AGM-65F/G, and has (possibly) a stronger radar. If gaijin’s willing to give that to Israel, I’d be perfectly fine with this going to Italy as we (Israeli Aviation Tech Tree Players) wouldn’t be missing out on much at all that way.

+1, Italy?

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f5 with guided bomb? I didn’t know

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