Northrop F-20 Tigershark should have the Aim120A (I'll prove it to you)

I don’t know how you can think that a plane from the 80’s has to fight against a plane from the 2000’s because where do you get that information from?

You do know the Typhoon wouldnt even be the newest aircraft added. The Su-27SM is from like 2015.

Typhoon DA2 is barely 2000.

But hey, you want to uptier the F-20 to 12.7. Its going to then face F-15C and SU-27SM and then in future aircraft like the Typhoon and Rafale

A lot of yanks don’t grasp that most of this kit is entirely fair to be added alongside what they’ve currently received if we’re going off timeframes of all stuff in game. Alongside the fact that due to the way BR currently stands, a lot of their kit would likely fight against eurodeltas that outclass them.

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Yeah… Its because they know as soon as they are added. They are no longer meta nations at top tier air. It will be the euro nations that will be meta

It is not about when the aircraft was released it is about its capabilities and armament and its electronic warfare instruments it is not about when the aircraft was released to put it or not put it in the game if we go with that logic the AMX which is new should be top tier OR the F4EJ KAI should be top tier which is not the case you talk about an aircraft that has not even been mentioned once or in a leak you say that the F20 does not have to have this armament because of the Eurofighter man THE EUROFIGHTER IS NOT IN THE GAME

With that logic they should put the MIG 1.44, which is an aircraft of the 2000’s and should also be in the MIG 1.44 since it is catalogued as fifth generation.

F-20 with AMRAAM would be 12.7. Period. It would not be 12.0

At 12.7 it would ONLY face F-15C, Su-27SMs and the like. F-18/Su-30s are probably coming September/October. Typhoon and Rafale likely in December (maybe sooner for all we know)

You are complaining that hte F-20 at 12.0 struggles in full uptiers against the new stuff and needs buffs. But increasing its BR will mean it will see that new stuff more often and future additions like the Typhoon which would be well within sight of a 12.7 BR F-20.

And yet you don’t seem to grasp giving the F20 better capabilities would send it further up in BR, to a BR that would likely face these newer aircraft. But apparently the capabilities only matter when considering other nations.

I am entirely happy if you prove the f20 can use AMRAAM (which we’ve got a fair bit of evidence against), as it would make spading the Rafale a bit easier with so much fodder going around. But I doubt you’d be happy with that result.

Do you think that I don’t know that they are going to raise it from br. Is it necessary that I have to talk about an airplane that I have more than 300 games with, it has great performance. Is it necessary that I have to talk about the tests that were carried out against the f16 vs the f20 to show you that the plane was at the heights of its generation? At least I did try the plane because many here have not played the vehicle and are giving their opinion only because it is premium that it should not receive top-level weapons, but they forgot that the Aim9l of the A10 was top-level weapons or the Magic 2 in the f1 was also top-level weaponry or at the time the mig 23 ml was also top-level weaponry, but they forget those things.

I made this post because I like the plane and it could have been a bigger and better purchase package but I see that I don’t agree with these people. In the DCS they would be happy for them to respect the weapons they would carry, here people start crying for everything that’s why they are not a community because they only seek comfort

Based upon your arguments, and neglect to infer the natural end result of it being uptiered, yes. I do think you don’t know jack. Especially trying to compare a plane with superb flight performance to A) A subsonic ground attacker with all aspect missiles at a BR where it would be minced without them, and B) All aspect IRCCM missiles on a plane with a radar that barely functions, an RWR that barely functions, and the flight performance of a slightly aerodynamic brick.

F20 with AMRAAMS would be 12.7. With the state of the BR system, Rafales and Eurofighters would likely be 13.7 unless something miraculous happens. Which it might, Americans are known to get things changed when bitching. But if nothing happens, your precious F20 would be fighting advanced eurodeltas. It would be slaughtered, if you’re comfy with that then great. But no point being deluded into thinking it ain’t the case.

And this is ignoring the current case of the fact 12.7s will always be uptiered to 13.0-13.3.

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I play all the countries and I have all the countries in top tier airlines and I like the plane not the United States for your information and I do not root myself in a country like you or the other one above I only like that the weapons are respected and that it is a competitive airplane I see the things I have to read from you that don’t even have information bases and I only listen to Eurofighter Rafale top tier I have a lack of skill. And seeing that you don’t have constructive criticism, I’ll just stop here. Have a good day, Mr. Typhoon and Rafale.

You can just acknowledge that you didn’t think things through instead of making misguided claims about people. I can say you’re ignorant, or lack a sense of critical thinking, and base it on this thread with minimal need to defend it as your position that it being uptiered would be fine is pretty good proof on this. Even assuming Eurodeltas aren’t at play (which they will be, it’s the only way for these nations to go), you will be fighting: F15Cs, Su 27SMs, Gripen Cs. All of which outclass the F20, and will win both in a dogfight and BVR.

You can just acknowledge you didn’t think it through, shit’s not hard.

Alongside the fact that F20 being fitted with AMRAAM is questionable, though we know it was fitted with mock ups, whilst being planned for AMRAAM. Whether or not a plane was actually armed with AMRAAM is up in the air. If it wasn’t fitted to the platform, but was planned without proofing the functionality, shouldn’t really be added.

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So I guess next year next aircraft premium pre-order pack maybe attack aircraft for USA

The F-20 we have isn’t the AIM-120 version, and the F-4F ICE is superior in all but dogfight performance.

(AFAIK) There isn’t an “Aim-120 version”, all prototypes were built with the Aim-120 and ARH capability in mind, and especially to be used on any production variants.

The current iteration we have in game should be capable of carrying and firing them and if any version of the prototypes made would be capable of receiving this missile, then it’s this iteration of it ingame (as the 4th one wasn’t fully built). Worth mentioning however; afaik it would need a small software update to the onboard electronics and systems to be able to use the AMRAAM properly, but for war thunder standards that doesn’t usually matter. But if we are going by the Yak-141 rules, which means production standards can be added, then it deserves the missile. Finally, the underwing rails are capable of mounting the missile, and the radar is capable of guiding it (in fact the radar is even missing a TWS mode with the ability to track up to 10 targets last I checked, might have been fixed by now but don’t know, I’ll go check the bug report site). This plane is currently a worse F-16ADF at the same BR, with a worse kit and much worse flight performance. It’ll be better off at 12.7 with Aim-120A by quite the margin. And even better off at 12.3 when it gets its flight model nerf.

Edit: This isn’t the original bug report I saw, I believe the acknowledged one was in Russian, but this is all I could find in a short amount of time

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Stop bringing up Yak-141, seriously. Yak-141 is irrelevant.
It’s Horton and Kikka, for which F-20 already follows those rules.

On top of that, F-20 is a COMPLETED prototype, unlike Kikka and Horton.

F-20 is stronger and better with 9Ls than with AIM-120As, by far.
F-20 receiving AIM-120As is a nerf.

And to finish my post: Bringing up Yak-141 automatically refutes your own post.

The aim-9L is absolutely horrible at a 12.0 setting, how is it not? Sure it has decent range and pull, but a single flare renders it useless (even rear aspect most of the time). Sparrows and limas are notoriously horrendous to play at this tier, and it’s on a platform that suffers quite a lot compared to some of its opponents and similarly tiered competitors.

The Yak-141 is just merely being used for reference given it had different standards applied to it, it was still a prototype that just didn’t get as far along as the F-20 did. If you want me to stop mentioning it and comparing it, well than alright, I can do that for ya. Consider this last mention of it as me explaining why I thought it was perfectly fine to talk about it given what it was, a prototype, similar to the F-20.

The F-20 also isn’t entirely “complete”, as with many prototypes. Sure it had the majority of the bells and whistles, but it was missing some things. A few things such as a targeting pod with laser guidance, and LGB capability in the systems, heck some versions didn’t even have a HUD if I’m not mistaken.

It’s also a prototype that’s capable of carrying and using this missile, and it should indeed be added, as again, this was practically the big selling point of the plane. ARH and radar guided missiles for BVR is one of the main reasons for its existence, that and being a cheap, low cost, and very affordable fighter jet for nations with smaller budgets.
Premiums, even at 11.3, are going to be facing ARH anyway next update, and having ARH capable premiums isn’t the worst idea as it gives them and their aircraft some capability, rather than just being dead in the water. Things like the new MiG-21 also should receive the R-77E, and more premiums could be added in the future.

Edit: it’s a bit late, so I’m gonna go hit the hay. If you want to debate more on this, I’ll gladly do so when I wake up tmrw. See ya around Alvis, have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Go watch Defyn’s video on flares and reverse engineer that for learning launch parameters for missiles.
Cause oh boy I have an over 90% hit rate with AIM-9Ls cause I only launch in good parameters.
9Ls are extremely strong with very good characteristics that allow “loose” launches.

Yak-141 has the same standards applied to it that have been in the game since 2012. The standards HAVE NOT changed.

I love F-20, I love that its at dogfight BRs where it’s stronger.

I also follow the same opinion as many content creators: Fighters shouldn’t be carried by their missiles.
If you want F-20 with AMRAAMs so badly, go play Harrier GR7 for 100 matches and see if you still have that opinion.

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They just repeat like a parrot “aim120 prototype” WHERE THEY GET THAT INFORMATION FROM THEY ONLY TALK FOR THE WAY OF TALKING friend it is incredible that these people who call themselves experts are tearing down the idea that the plane is in a bad condition just because it is premium because why If it were off the branch, they surely wouldn’t tear it down.

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Well, go learn to play 12.7 then. There are many options to choose from. One day you may be as skilled as us with enough practice.
I want the F-20 to continue using 9Ls cause it’s better with them than being carried by AMRAAMs.

I would say, he is better than you at 12.7 he has more than 30k played games, so you are talking to someone who actually knows the game well at ground and air battles, if you have the f-20 (maybe you don´t) you would notice that even trying to kill a mig-23 it´s a big deal, because the f-20 it´s only good at close range(dogfight). so giving the aim120 would help it a lot, you´re gonna face the same problems while trying to evade a missile at 12.0 or 12.7 but at least at 12.7 with aim120 you would have a better chance to hit your target.

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