Northrop F-20 Tigershark should have the Aim120A (I'll prove it to you)

Given how the F-20 is right now I’d say that giving it 120’s would uptier it beyond the capabilities of the airframe.

As it is now, the biggest negatives to it are the Cannon’s lackluster velocity and it’s low AAM loadouts count compared to it’s contemporaries.

It’s not exactly incapable of being competitive, but it’s definitely more on the niche’ side. Also, in agreement with others I don’t believe the one currently in-game was capable of loading 120’s.


You have videos of it carrying mock ups. I also got flamed for it on the forum, but they are indeed just models in the video.

Also, everyone is complaining about it being uptiered beyond its capability. Forgetting entirely that the F-4F ICE is coming in this update…

The F-20 would survive just fine if the ICE can.


Mockup aim120…

The F-20 development was cancelled in 1986. The Aim-120 was still in development and didn’t get a contract for full production until 1987. They may have had the intent for the f-20 to be able to use the new missile but i doubt that it ever had the opportunity to actually test fire one.

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I just wish the really cool camo for it wasn’t locked behind pre-order. Exclusive pre-order bonuses for vehicle packs are the dumbest thing to have happened to this game…

Yea, for example Typ-90 Fuji does have really good pre order camo, sadly its not avaliable on other Type-90’s.

Also i think unicolor Grey Camouflage is the best camo for F-20.

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Type 90 Fuji’s camo is also historically significant, IIRC… Shame.

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Do you really want premium amraam spam? Are you aware of how annoying this would be? Bmp2m of the skies.

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At least it wouldn’t be Russian for once? 🤷

I personally believe this should receive them as it was intended to. I also believe other premiums like the new MiG-21 should recover ARH as well to give nations a competitive top tier premium since a lot of them will be facing ARH anyway.

*Glances at Yak-141 *
Yea I think that’s enough…

Do you really want a worse F-16 put at a higher br?

I voted no. Not because I dont think it could get them. But because I dont think it should.

Being a premium It makes changes like this tricky and I dont think the F-20 at 12.7 would do it all that good. If it was TT. Id vote differently, but moving about premiums significantly is not as simple and as no other nation has anything even close to the F-20 in terms of premium performance yet. It had best wait till all other nations get a 12+ premium aircraft. Got 9 nations left to go.

Stop it with the Premium A-6s, we should get at least ONE in the tech tree

If you know that next br 12.3 12.7 will have more vehicles and the 13.0 will go up in br sooner or later the f20 currently in 12.0 will be fighting equally against planes with IRCM missiles and radar missiles much better than yours and some with active missiles, does it seem balanced to you?

Are you telling me that you would like to fight against people that have a thousand times better armament than yours and that the plane is not a good alternative being that this plane is still nerfed in radar and other qualities that it did have?

The plane has the possibility to put chaff pods on it if they wanted to, I don’t know where they get that the plane doesn’t have the requirements to be at 12.7 but the ICE does.

Those who say that the plane’s armament is not enough and that this plane does not have the active missile capabilities I want the proof not their stories proof kills story.

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Just as much as the F-20 will see those uptiers, it will also still see the 11.3 premium spam, Which exists far more premium aircraft currently. Moving the F-20 to 12.7 would mean it will only see those “uptiers”. Not too mention things like Typhoon soon as well.

It would need a lot of buffs to make it a good 12.7 premium

I did read the F-20 pilot’s book and I do not agree with what you are saying.

We are just seeing the first active missiles and we don’t even have electronic countermeasures and Electronic Warfare we are just seeing the fourth generation and there are still thousands of things missing in ships and tanks that we are so far behind and you are scared that the Typhoon or the rafale will come. we still don’t have even a single heavy radar and there is no f18, not even the first variants or a Chendgu J10 which is one of the most basic ones from the end of the 90’s and you pretend that they are going to put fourth ++ generation aircrafts in the game? The F20 is NOT ON PAR WITH A TYPHOON AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEE A TYPHOON this year is another level.

F-20 with AMRAAM = 12.7

Typhoon DA2 = 13.3

Typhoon likely coming in December. F-15C MSIP II was considered the benchmark for when Typhoon will be added. Its been added. F-20 with AMRAAM then would see Typhoon on the regular.