No more Historical Battles/Event for SIM players?

Hi guys,

I returned to the game after 7 years, and a lot has changed. (Some things for the better).
However, as far as I can see, there are no historical-themed battles anymore.

Previously, we had events like “Battle of Britain,” “Midway,” “Battle of Kursk,” “Air raids over German Industrial centers,” and “Korean War,” even though jets were a new addition and hardly anybody had them.

A lot of historically themed fights where you could fly, only Historically accurate plaes for that time. And I remember the guys and I having a blast at those events.

  1. Midway where sinking carriers actually gave you a victory.
  2. Battle of Britain where escorting or stopping formations of He- 111.
  3. Air Riades, where P_51’s would try to defend the massive formation of B-17’s against Me 262’s

Great times!!
Did we lose those ?? Do they ever happen?


It’s clear that SIM battle has been ruined by the outdated faction-binding mechanics and bad battle ratting restriction. Full realism still forces the two opposing sides into the same old Realistc Battle, such as the Sino-Soviet bloc vs NATO or the Axis vs the Allies, just like it did four years ago. These bound factions either lack players or the superior vehicles within the specified BR range. Not to mention the weight balance scheme in SIM battle, which is seriously out of sync with the RB battle. Half a year ago, I would never have considered using the T-62 with its feeble 3BM4 to go up against the Israeli Merkava MK2D.

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Air sim is only EC now. Its like a pvp sandbox with some pve objectives.
You can also fly in Ground Sim with predefined, allowed planes, but these are short battles on small maps.

I would love to have an event battle changing every week, but with jets the maps are too small anyway.


I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever played EC - I shouldn’t have spent so much time not playing sim (but really VR made the difference for me in making the switch).

It’s a shame it’s only looked at when it comes to nerfs and there doesn’t seem to be any open plans to make it better.

When I started playing SB around 2015, I only played for the historical missions. It was exciting and atmospheric. I haven’t visited RB since then.
Then suddenly these historical missions and other events suddenly disappeared. All that’s left is EC. I don’t even remember exactly when this happened.

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Historical battles were a failure and incapable of being balanced.
We want realism without reenacting history.

@_Sky Sim stopped being that for years as people stopped caring for Bombers since Gaijin doesn’t care for the mode. Claims that they do are often disproved by the same case of their actions saying other which often is very little per year.

At one time, yes bombers were escorted however they have lost the entire purpose of even flying them since other aircrafts can fulfill the same role.

It is a souer fact that Gaijin has abandoned all efforts to make any fun & historical events. It requires time skill which GJ apperently spent elsewhere and appropriate MAPS.

It is IHMO quite unbelieveable that Gaijin never even mach what the IL-2 community did like 10 years ago.

Let me thow in an example:



On this map which is abou 10x bigger then anything what WT has we did 48h nonstop event simulating first days of the allied invasion into the Normandy. About 300 people participated (rotating on 120 available server slots split 70/50 between allies and axis)
And there was everything, fighters, bombers of all sizes, attackers, even the night fighters and bombers. Each side has HQ with radar operators, intelligence officers, mission planers etc.
On a ground hundreds of targets from stategic ones like airfields or suppy depots, ship formations, armored collums, defensive positions.
All kind of mission were flown from recon, patrols, escorts bombing raids, etc. to special ones like pilot rescue.

And it was a blast…
Some mechanics like human operated ground radars, or bombs creating actual craters or actually counting resources (destroyable resources) like amunition and fuel made this event insane.

Yet 10 years later Gaijin cannot create even decent EC map. Shame


Sadly they’ve since removed all historically based matches for as far as I can tell no reason whatsoever. I always remember the Battle of Britain event being packed with players along with Stalingrad etc. Who else also remembers the even where one side had P-51’s and had to protect the B-17’s from enemy players in the Me-262’s? Fantastic fun and all of these events actually had a sense of atmosphere to it.

Today Sim just feels completely sterile.