Nicho's new and improved Italian SPAA line for Italy

I don’t get the hate towards the Hungarians. It’s not their fault that they are in the Italian tree


Agreed! Might as well capitalise on their best things!

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Nobody hates hungary or hungarians, people complain about the choice of adding it to Italy, when italy should have had more of its indigenous designs added.


You know, I’ve been thinking about how to answer all day, so I’ve concluded that the best answer is this.
Are you blind???
No one here wrote that they hate Hungary, tell me where it says that we hate Hungary, no one in this Forum sees us or knows how to read at this point, I’M TIRED of seeing people writing bullshit.
The title says the reason for this discussion, no one here is writing “how shit is Hungary” “they should die” or similar bullshit, they are proposing domestic vehicles, why?
I’ll explain it to you briefly in my own way, I’m a purist, I want in a tech tree there are only things from a specific nation, not because I hate subtrees, but because I strongly believe that a nation has hidden vehicles that can very well fill everyone the holes inside War Thunder.
But it’s not just that, I hate Hungary? Absolutely not, but I hate the Hungary that is present in Italy right now, do you really want to call it Hungary??? 3/4 of the vehicles are not Hungarian, I want pure Hungary in a completely separate tree where it can be added completely, not USED as a stopgap, instead of copy-paste vehicles, real Hungarian vehicles could have been used, or domestic vehicles modeled from scratch, instead of this shit that we have now, I hate this gaijin obsession for copy-paste, not Hungary (AFTER HAVING WRITTEN IT SO MANY TIMES MAYBE YOU’LL UNDERSTAND IT NOW).
Apologies to Mr. @Nicholas_Concu , but holy shit, someone had to say it.
Here we are not trying to have a nation removed or eliminated, we are trying to make Gaijin understand that there are better proposals for a nation, that there are very particular vehicles that could make a nation much more unique, no one here he hates no one, no one here is tarnishing a nation, we are all on the side of our own nation and we only try to see it flourish in this field full of shit.
In fact I am against adding South Korea to Japan, if you do a little research, you will find that it could very well be in a separate tech tree like Israel.


Furthermore, just because I believe in my nation, it doesn’t mean that I hate others or am fascist, it just means that I love my country because I like the place where I live and I love the culture of a particular country, I have read too many times in this forum about absolute bullshit, if you don’t know what love for your country is, then change country, but don’t bother me if I love mine.
Same story here, if I want to improve my country on War Thunder, don’t shit me if I try in any way, if I’m wrong I apologize, but I don’t accept bullshit like the Ariete armor or the Freccia commander’s missing optics.


But it is already done. They can’t just Thanos snap the Hungarian sub tree out of existence. We must adapt to the situation we are in.


They actually can get rid of, and italy has a ton of vehicles that could fit right where the hungarians are, like this line proves.


And how would they do that? Also some of the Hungarian additions are quite good. ZSU-23-4 for example. It’s a great alternative to the pitiful SIDAM. Their WW2 portion is also interesting and unique.

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They could get the Cheetah PRTL on an OF-40 hull. It’s Italian, unique, and it would be a better addition than the ZSU-23-4.


And most importantly, why would they do that? Or rather, why would a player want that?

Thing is, as with anything you don’t want to play, you can just not play it, while leaving others the option to play it if they want. If they were to be removed, you would save yourself the effort of research and purchase, but others would not have any way to play them at all.
One of these is a compromise that allows for both sides, albeit less comfortable for one, while the other just straight up denies one side anything.

But even then the speculated tab based subtrees that are being talked about in R&R, putting subtrees as a separate tab will remove any negative effect left for those that don’t want subtrees.


We knew about this thing for years at this point. I think they just simply don’t want to add it.

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Most of that I already know. It appears that people have the biggest problem with the Cold War portion of the Hungarian Ground Tree which I understand. Gaijin skipped the original stuff and decided to rely on the essential copy paste. I really hope that they will add more of the unique vehicles that Hungary had. We didn’t even get a single researchable Toldi tank


Back to the topic. Nicho you should put in more 20mm armed Italian cars at Rank 1. Maybe folder a one or two.

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Guys Aspanda and Sinox are right, i read what they said and i completely agree with them. If you flagged their post it’s just because you can’t accept the truth


I didn’t even get to see what some of their replies said. Why can’t we see the hidden replies? You could do that couple of months ago

Ok, I don’t know who reported my post, but if you can’t accept other people’s opinions, don’t be part of a forum at this point, that’s literally the purpose of a forum.
I will change some things, if it is reported again I will report it to the staff

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I think a clarification might help.

This post is dedicated to improving Italian SPAAs, and by Italian it is meant “from the country of Italy” and not “from the Italian tech tree” (which would include other nations as well).

That is why, I think, Hungarian/Romanian additions are not relevant to this topic, since it is focused on Italian domestic hardware.

If you want to discuss them maybe create another topic for “foreign SPAAs for the Italian tech tree”.


NOOOOO you can’t say that, otherwise you will be reported for having a different opinion, like me and @AspandaIV .
Finally someone who can read and not just bang his head on the keyboard.


So, I think I’m pissed off enough, let’s get back to the main topic.
I learned that within the new project, AICS, there should be a platform armed with a cannon and anti-aircraft missiles, can anyone come up with more information about it? Are there already some images thrown out there, or is everything still to be seen?

Is this a platform similar to the Swedish anti-aircraft 9040C, or something completely different? I mean the idea of ​​this setup.