Nicho's new and improved Italian SPAA line for Italy

We know the DART round was developed for it. If I read correctly, the DRACO required a search radar vehicle in a convoy, and it was considered to be used as coastal defense and play the role of artillery in addition.
Curious as to your thoughts on the Centauro 155/39LW “Porcupine”. Given both of these were prototypes developed by OTO Melara and never entered service. They may serve as future inspiration, however, have we considered asking OTO Melara themselves about these vehicles? I know the DRACO was primarily anti-air but most everywhere seems to describe it as multi-role, and more ammo restrictions to the Italian TT just feel more like excuses for “balance” stares at 2S38

Will definitely join the discord!


Time to bring balance in the For… in War Thunder.

Not to be that guy but the Centauro 155/39LW is known as Tapiro, Porcupine is the name of the AA system developed by Leonardo. I did have a suggestion for it back on the old forums however it was purged after the mods did their rule change on what was able to be suggested or not. Keep in mind the Tapiro is the same as the Draco, they’re not fully completed prototypes, the only functional part would be the platform being the B1 Centauro but the turret itself as far as we know never got completed for either projects.

Yes, many times. I even recently visited the Museum which has their archives and was given the same response. Some time ago I also spoke about this subject with a few people who worked/still work there and most of the time they’d say the reason those 2 projects never got completed was mainly due to the fact there was no interest in either systems. They had tried their best to market it as they both showed up in multiple military expo’s but they never had any luck. The furthest they went was with the Draco turret in itself, an Arab country had shown interest in buying it for coastal defence to then be mounted on containers but even then the deal fell through. There is some talk of perhaps bringing parts of the B1 Draco project back as the Italian army stated that they’re developing a new AA turret with Leonardo, so who knows.

Good to know, happy to have you on board. o7


Just becuase I had this idea, why not making single rank modifications?

Great proposal to fix the problems with SPAA in the Italian tree


+1 we need more SPAAs!




So… what now?

Probably incorporate Hungarian SPAA


Nothing signifigant, just some representation from the new subtree.



I won’t add any, I hope Gaijin does not add anymore either.


The BMP-1 OWS-25 would a nice vehicle to have. The 25mm cannon and the pair of Stingers doesn’t sound bad at all.


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How about a hungarian Strela?

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How about no?
The point of this post was to showcase purely Italian options which could be added.


Well, I’m all for domestic SPAA for Italy ofc, was just thinking the tt as a whole and Hungary being subtree.
Radarless SPAA at 8.3 and 9.7 leaves a lot to be desired!

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You know, as a supporter of the completely pure tech tree, I was going to tell you some unpleasant things, but I can’t say it, so I’ll just tell you what a shitty idea, can you say sensible things without trolling?
Maybe you want to propose replacing Italy with Hungary?

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Well, reality is that Hungary is a sub-tee so…Gajin could have stuffed much more Italian vehicles a long time ago, and they should have but yet here we are, like it or not!
No reason to be so hostile, not my decision!


The people on this forum can’t read, I never said it was your decision, I just said the idea was stupid, I was just responding to what you wrote.
Furthermore, I’m not hostile towards you, it would just be great if people thought before writing bad ideas, otherwise, why would this discussion exist, to recommend Hungarian anti-aircraft, or as written in the title, propose a new Italian anti-aircraft line?

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I think it is time to add a caveat/disclaimer on the main post explicitly telling people that subtrees and foreign vehicles that Italy has nothing to do with are not permitted/no longer permitted on this thread with the last line being “You have being warned”

Some people may despise this but there is no other real option and they have to deal with it

Edit: If you want to discuss SPAA and SAM systems of Hungarian, Romanian or even Bulgarian origin, that is perfectly fine, they just need to be in a separate thread dedicated to them instead of a thread dedicated to SPAA systems of Italian origin like in this thread

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