Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

Dutch Abrams :clueless:


I don’t play Israel but we should have Python 4 added. With the addition of Fox 3s to every nation and lowering of multipath, IR missiles have greatly diminished in usage. The next step up to bring IR missile back into the meta is Python 4. This is the last western IR missile to be added before we see IIR missiles.



dont we already have python 4?

I expect Python 4 soon, particularly as the Baz Meh-Sub-Par is so sub-par.

It would be a hard one to flare and a scary one as iirc this is the first one that will re-engage if it misses, but it gives Israel an edge at closer ranges where others will want to slam them before they get within range.


Derby/R-Darter is based on Python 4 that has been given a new ARH seeker, enlarged and given more a lower drag set of fins, but it is not a Python 4

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  • More BMD/Airborne variants:
    • 2S9 Nona-S | 7.3
    • BMD-1P | 8.0
    • BTR-RD | 8.0
    • 2S9-1 ‘Sviristelka’/2S9-1M | 8.0
      • Guided munitions-capable.
    • BMD-2 | 8.7
    • BMD-3 | 8.7
    • BMD-4M | 9.7
    • 9P162M Kornet-D1 | 9.7
    • BMD-2M | 10.0

BMD-1P Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

BMD-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

BMD-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

9P162M Kornet-D1 Tank Destroyer.

IMG_0878BMD-2M, a modernized BMD-2 with significant anti-tank capabilities.


That’s the quick mockup image from the Armored Warfare game. Photoshopping the BTR-MDM APC with the wheeled Kornet-D launchers.

The real one looks a bit different.


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Replaced* 🤙

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The latest indigenous IR missile Israel has is the Python 3, the Python 4 and Python 5 have not yet been added to the game (it’s at Aim-9X level in performance and flare resistance).

Recently the Derby was added to the game, which is based on the Python 4.

The Derby has an Active Radar Homing guidance and has a control surface at the front of the missile removed. However there are more noticeable differences as well:


I think one of the vehicles I want to see the most (excluding trees) is the M-SHORAD/Sgt. Stout. This thing is an absolute menace with its wide-assortment of weapons and electronics.

Sgt. Stout SHORAD (M-SHORAD Increment 1)

  • Vehicle specifications:
    • 30mm XM914E1 Chain Gun.
      • Capable of firing the same 30x113mmB ammunition as the Apache but uses the XM949 High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) and XM1198 High Explosive Dual Purpose Self Destruct (HEDP-SD).
      • Has a rate of fire (RoF) of 200rds/min and a capacity of 400 rounds total.
      • Chain gun had an engineering change due to the magnetic interference of firing certain munitions.
    • 2x AGM-114L ‘Longbow’ Hellfire missiles.
      • Fire and Forget missiles that uses a millimeter-wave (MMW) radar seeker coupled with inertial guidance that can destroy targets through smoke countermeasures. Likely has 1,000mm+ of penetration behind ERA due to its Tandem-HEAT warhead. Has a range of 8km and can be used against both land and air targets.
    • 4x FIM-92K Stinger Missiles.
      • The most advanced variant of the Stinger missile, the FIM-92K. The missile still retains the hit-to-kill capability but has a proximity fuse for engaging targets that the seeker deems it cannot directly hit. The seeker also excels at targeting smaller targets like Category 1 UAS/UAV’s on top of regular air targets such as helicopters or jets. The FIM-92K utilizes the vehicle’s datalink, or the target information fed from the launching vehicles tracking sensors, for targeting but still has an advanced, all-aspect, IRCCM-capable seeker.
      • The FIM-92K, while in-game already, has its effectiveness based on the datalink and capability of the launching platform. Due to the Sgt. Stout’s highly advanced onboard sensors/AESA RADAR’s, the vehicle can fully maximize the FIM-92K’s range against helicopters, jets, missiles, and drones due to the datalink where other vehicles with the same missile may struggle.
      • The U.S. Army does plan on removing the Hellfire Launcher on M-SHORAD Increment 1’s due to wear and tear on the missiles, with the launcher being replaced by another quad-Stinger pack, providing a total of 8x FIM-92K missiles. This can be a modification for players similarly to the LAV-AD’s ability to swap armaments.
        • Editor’s Note: I don’t understand why the U.S. Army, in coordination with the defense industry, couldn’t just make an enclosed launcher or modify the existing one for the Hellfire’s instead of outright getting rid of them. Either way it will be costly to swap them around to the quad-Stinger pack rather than conducting an engineering change of the Hellfire Launcher. Not to mention it removes a significant portion of the vehicle’s firepower.
    • 7.62mm M240C coaxial machine gun.
      • Machine gun capable of killing exposed enemy crew, marking targets, and damaging soft-modules.
    • 4x Multi-Mission Hemispheric RADAR’s (MHR)
      • AESA Pulse-Doppler RADAR’s mounted around the vehicle to provide 360-degree coverage, 120-degree azimuth, and ECCM capable. RADAR ranges per manufacturer:
        • Nano UAV - 5km
        • Medium-sized UAV - 25km
        • Heavy Transport Aircraft - 50km
        • Fighter Aircraft - 35km
        • Fighter Aircraft (Low RCS) - 20km
        • Utility Helicopter - 23km
        • Light/Medium Mortars/Short Range Rockets - 5km
        • Heavy Mortars - 6km
        • Pedestrians - 10km
        • Vehicles/Medium-sized Vessels - 25km
        • Large Vessels - 40km
      • It is worth noting that due to the large quantity of targets the advanced RADAR’s can track, the Fire Control System can differentiate between the different types of targets to not “bog” down the system and focus on specific types of targets depending on the mission, whether it’s versus Air or Ground threats.
    • IFF Receiver.
      • Friendly Aircraft Identification, prevention of friendly targeting.
    • Remote Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform (RIwP) Combat Module.
      • A multi-mission unmanned combat module that can adjust its armaments based on mission requirements or customer needs.
    • MX-GCS EO/IR Sighting System.
      • Advanced, fully-stabilized sighting system with integrated laser rangefinder, 3rd-generation thermal camera, IRST-capable/optical tracking, HD day sensor.
      • Target tracking includes both ground and air targets, and offers a lead-indicator.
    • Stryker-A1 V-shaped hull with high HE resistance, spall liners, and solid ballistic protection.
  • Sources:
  • In-game:
    • A multi-mission platform that has a remote RIwP integrated combat module with all the listed technologies above, with high-survival. The 30mm doesn’t have APFSDS-T but can definitely pepper vehicles of all types with its unique ammunition that can even ‘blind’ enemy sights from the HE-effect, damage modules, and completely devastate aircraft. Players will recognize the ammo from the legendary Apache which uses the 30mm M230 chain gun of which the XM914E1 chain gun is derived. It has missiles (Longbow Hellfires) that can destroy every available land target, regardless if they use smoke countermeasures, and Stinger’s with an added proximity-fuse effect and enhanced IRCCM, and solid thermals. This thing is a monster on wheels. However, that doesn’t mean charge into combat. Play on the vehicles strengths and take advantage of open terrain to really maximize the vehicles weapons like the Longbow’s which will suffer somewhat due to how FaF missiles are implemented as a whole. A positive to note is the Hellfire Launchers are positioned horizontally rather than arched, allowing for better close-range engagements. One major bonus this vehicle has though is its continuously-emitting AESA pulse-Doppler RADAR’s which are highly capable, long-range, can detect ground vehicles, aircraft, drones, and even pedestrians, and can be used a lot more effectively of destroying incoming missiles due to the sensitivity of the RADAR’s themselves, that and paired with the FIM-92K’s datalink capability, it allows the vehicle to maximize the Stinger’s effectiveness. The RADAR’s are also resistant against Electronic Warfare interference. As noted before, the Army does plan on removing the Hellfire Launchers in exchange for another quad-Stinger pack, this could be a modification in-game similarly to how the LAV-AD can swap armaments between a Hydra-rocket pod or a quad-Stinger pack.
    • Estimated BR: 10.7-11.3
      • While this vehicle has a large assortment of weapons with fantastic thermals, RADAR, and tracking, it is still a dedicated SPAA that lacks long-range missile capabilities for high-speed, maneuverable air contacts. While it can definitely engage helicopters/aircraft/UAV’s farther out due to its FIM-92K Stinger datalink missiles, they’re still MANPAD missiles with a range of 5km that can lock from 6-11km depending on aspect, but lack the capabilities of dedicated-long range SAM’s. They are fast though, with a speed of ~670m/s (though some sources have it at a higher speed). For AGM-114L Longbow’s, they can destroy both land targets and helicopters/UAV’s easily at ranges out to 8km but they’re not maneuverable, they’re slower at ~450m/s, and cannot target fast moving aircraft. Lastly, the 30mm is only good for closer-ranged targets. The vehicle’s overall maximum effective range is 8km. That’s why the BR for this vehicle isn’t max, not to mention, it’s hard to gauge a vehicle like this since there’s nothing comparable in-game.
  • Media:


This is great, and really needed to fill up a lackluster top tier AA spot for the USA.

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Doesn’t it get the Aim-9X? I do so believe I saw somewhere that it can use them, but didn’t see you list it anywhere (or maybe you did and I’m blind).

No, that was a different Stryker-based SHORAD proposal using a modified Avenger turret.

Stryker MSL







From the MOOG Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform (RIwP®) website

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Boeing XPBB-1 Sea Ranger, a flying boat with flight performance and defensive armament similar to the PBM-5A Mariner, but with a completely insane 20,000 lb bomb load. Only 1 was ever built (apparently because Boeing didn’t have any production capacity to spare given the demands for B-17s and B-29s) which led to it picking up another unofficial nickname as the “Lone Ranger”.


Ye, that’s where I got the picture from. It’s in my “Sources” section. I was a bit surprised to see the amount of weapon systems it could adopt.
Additional note, Increment 3 and 4 of the Sgt. Stout/M-SHORAD will programmable airburst rounds and include the Stinger’s replacement system that will be developed by RTX and Lockheed Martin and fielded in by 2027-2028. The missile will be designed to have countermeasures, be more maneuverable than the Stinger, and still be able to fit within the quad-packs that Stinger’s currently use, allowing “plug-in play” capability with some software upgrades. That’s the plan at least, I don’t see much luck with fitting them in a small canister for the type of modifications they want but we’ll see.

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What happend to stryker msl? It had AIM-9X

What extra stuffs does it gets?

The Sgt. Stout/M-SHORAD’s interesting younger brother…the Bradley M-SHORAD…

  • Editor’s Note:
    • This thing is an ugly freakshow, -10 out of 10.
    • M6 Linebacker is a significantly better addition.
M6 Linebacker


Lynx 120 mm for Germany: