Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

AND the Olifant Mk2 Prototype. With its Improved Composite array that was twice as thick on the front of the turret. Possibly even with the Home grown 120mm gun this variant of the Olifant was supposed to carry. The GT-9 120mm, which was developed from the 120mm/140mm gun intended for the TTD if it ever saw production


You should see the new Rooikat based Rhino Replacement, that thing is Terrifying.


Is that on the South Africa variant of the Patria AMV? Nvm, it’s rooikat-based vehicle.

Have the necessary suggestions been made for all of these yet? If so, maybe link them?

Then we have their Experiment of shoving a Rooikat 105 turret on a Warrior hull, and i REALLY want it.


I believe one has been made for the Mk1B Olifant, And the MK2 Prototype, atleast on reddit.

But i believe the RG41 is just too new for the game.

Did you guys just called an RG 41 a Rooikat

And it has a suggestion Denel RG41 (T7)

So does the Optimum Olifant MK1B "Optimum" suggestion

Base 1B does not have a suggestion


Sorry, its a fat, Overweight Rooikat.

It is odd, that post mentions that the Optimum has a new turret, Everything i can find says its still the original MK3 Centurion turret underneath, just with even heavier upgrades than the Olifant Mk1b’s and such.

Optimum turret without the wedges


Huh. What do yah know, I saw that picture and i Honestly thought it was the TTD’s turret stripped down.

Very similar design language that is for sure.

Shame this turret hasn’t found use… looks quite chunky.

Once you look at things like mantlet and periscopes, you can see it is not a ttd

Doing more research here and i am seeing a few places saying that IS a Stripped down TTD turret. But it certainly isn’t one.

Probably where my confusion came from

I must say… its quite odd that a country would go through all that effort to design a brand new turret for a tank built in 1948, and not make a new hull to go with it, or atleast improve the composite package the hull received.


That is one thing i have never quite understood about the Olifants, the protection is just kinda… All over the place, the massive gaps in the composite on the turret of the MK1B and Mk2 are especially noticeable.

But well i guess when you are trying to squeeze as much life as you can out of what is basically a WW2 Era MBT. you do what you can.



But, i feel like there was more they could have done to the MK2 as it ended up being built, there was nothing stopping them from extended the composite package further down to cover the turret ring and such.

The Hull protection wouldn’t play in as much if Gaijin would MODEL the thing correctly with the Frontal Ammunition rack being filled in by a Fuel tank.

From what i can find most of the Olifants past the Original Mk1’s have never used the big frontal hull racks, as they wanted to extend the range of the tanks as much as they could, so they filled in that entire space with Fuel, and made use of the floor racks, and constructed new Racks around against the hulls sides next to the Turret basket.

the Swedes did a Similar thing to their later Centurions, and the Israelis. Both of which the South African’s copied to develop the Olifants so.

Also for L/71 with 1050m/s.

8,8/5,25 cm Pfeilgeschoss (APHEDSFS) 8,4/7,9 kg 0,8 kg Np.10 830-840m/s 187-190mm/10m

(I have it also in HD, but too big to upload)



Pls gaijin even with nerfed irccm
@Smin1080p_WT pls do u know anything about it?
Is there any chance it will come in the upcoming update?
There is like 5-6 platform that can take this missile

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Money and potential opponents (Before the collapse of the USSR)

In addition, from 1990 to 2007, the Aorta program was carried out to replace the Olifants and, in parallel, a program to modernize these tanks.

The first proposal was first frozen and then cancelled (Leo 2A4, Challenger 2E and Leclerc participated). The second proposal was made partially (Mk.1B), since there is no need for a complete modernization

T5-52 is Denel’s latest 155 mm self propelled artillery. This is just a 105 mm option as it makes for a lighter cheaper vehicle.

There is not much left in terms of tanks I can think of a modernised t-72, older centurions, some copy paste Shermans and at a stretch a 120mm TTD.

ifvs and sams are what I’m excited for.