Also it missed upgrades like THOR and ASGARD.
Hope to see some (obviously not all) for France/BeNeLux soon. Any (not all) of these would also make for good premiums:
- Mirage IIIS
- Mirage IIIC (early, with only AIM-9B and R.511)
- Dutch F-16A Block 1 (only 4x AIM-9P’s)
- Dutch F-104G
- Mirage 2000C (early) with only R530F’s and Magic 1’s. The first 38 production models would’ve been delivered like this.
Dear Santa Snail,
All I want is an Su30 and an F/A18 parked in my hangar. I think they both would look very spectacular next to the hangar’s Christmas tree, glistening with their spectral radiance and gorgeous curves.
I dream about them every night and daydream that I can be inside of them throughout the day. (I am not above bribing the snail if you would like)
I would like this
The Norwegian NM-116 Panserjager, an upgraded M24 Chaffee with a 90mm HEAT slinging main gun, a Laser Range Finder, a coaxial .50 caliber M3 Browning HMG, and of course the roof mounted .50 caliber M2 Browning.
I feel like this would go nicely in some mid-tier-ish 8.0(± 1 br)-ish and would be fun, preferably TT.
hehehe, already voted yes, tis the reason why I want it added lol
海澄 (Hai Cheng) former 姫柛丸. (Pic is her sister ship 海英丸)
Would do a suggestion but only pic I’m missing is how her bow armament was installed. I think there was a cabin/box where the 76mm or 40mm was placed on like other Japanese boats of the same type.
I cast coal
Cast another Lynx please.
Give us the Strv m/40K, It’s me favorite tank.
Not too different from the L in game but still, better armor at least.
Pakistani licensed produce VN22
Day 4,500,983 of asking for the 9P148 Konkurs…
9P148 Konkurs
- This would be for Germany (DDR), Russia, Italy (Romania/Hungary), and United Kingdom (India). Default access should be the 9M113 Konkurs missiles.
- Should have the 9M113M Konkurs-M upgrade for United Kingdom (India), and Russia. I don’t believe Romania uses the Konkurs-M but could be wrong.
- Estimated BR of 8.7-9.0 based on missiles equipped.
- Also would like to see the Panzer 38(t) ausf. G in the Italian tree. It was used by both Romania and Hungary. It was designated as the T-38 by the Kingdom of Romania.
🇷🇴 T-38 Light Tank

Different images of Romanian troops operating there T-38’s.

The cream on the cake, that Hungary also used the very same designation I believe, so it should please both nations.
Type 59 with rice straw camo
a classic HMMWV